Based on the results of your completed needs assessment and identified topic needs, develop a total of 5, developmentally appropriate lesson plans for your school setting of interest.

School Counseling Lesson Plan Unit *
Lesson Plans (5 total) – includes 3 lesson unit from domain with highest identified need; 1 lesson each based on topic of highest identified need for other two domains.
Based on the results of your completed needs assessment and identified topic needs, develop a total of 5, developmentally appropriate lesson plans for your school setting of interest (High School). Specifically:
a 3 lesson unit from the domain with highest identified need;
1 lesson each based on topic of highest identified need for other two domains.
Each lesson plan will be designed using the ASCA Lesson Plan template. Include title (“activity” name), grade(s), ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors; learning objective(s) that align with competency, materials, step-by-step procedure, evaluation plan (process, perception/pre & post tests, outcome data), and follow-up plan.
*NOTES: Each lesson plan should be designed to last 45 minutes. If materials are alluded to in the lesson (i.e., worksheets, surveys, etc.), copies must be provided as part of the lesson plan. A detailed script for each plan must be included. For example, what will be your opening remarks? How will you introduce the lesson? What specific questions will you ask? How will you determine if the lesson was effective?
*Use the ASCA Template for Curriculum Action Plan as your project cover sheet

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