ow does information book influence how you are going to continue your own personal growth process? What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of your learning?

Parenting and Child Discipline Strategies: Raising Healthy Kids DMBF 500

4-MAT Review #2: Friedman , chpts. 1-10


Title page
(Running head, page numbers and APA title block centered properly) Page 1 of attachment

(page 2 of Attachment)
Summarize what you have read as if you were the author boiling down the book into 150 to 200 tight words. Prove that you comprehend the readings by writing a no-nonsense summary.
(USE academic references)
Chp 1-3 Summary Key Point 1 (Subheader)

Chp 4-6 Summary Key Point 2 (Subheader)

Chp 7-8 Summary Key Point 3 (Subheader)

Chp 9-10 Summary Key Point 4 (Subheader)

Concrete Responses:
Get REAL AND VULNERABLE! In 200 to 250 words, relate ow does information book influence how you are going to continue your own personal growth process? What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of your learning? a personal life episode that this book connected with in your own life experience. Relate your story in first person, describing action, quoting sentences you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, confession. You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. What video memory began to roll? This is your chance to tell your story and make new ideas found in the book your own. We call this Up Close and Personal.


Personal Example 1 (Sub-header)
Personal Example 2 (Sub-header)
Personal Example 3 (Sub-header)
Personal Example 4 (Sub-header)

Reflection: What new questions pop up for you in response to what you have read? Keep a rough note sheet at hand as you read. Begin with questions like, “What would I like further information on?” Where do I not agree/strongly agree with the author?” or “What bothers me/excites me about this content?” This section should be at least 200 to 250 words.


Need more information (Sub-header)
Agree/ Disagree (Sub-header)
Excites/ Concerns (Sub-header)

Application: How does information book influence how you are going to continue your own personal growth process? What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of your learning? Your response here is a matter of obedience first, questions later. Be precise in summarizing your action steps (limit these comments to about 150 to 200 words).

PLEASE USE BOTH ACADEMIC AND BIBLICAL REFERENCES Please share a biblical perspective about each action item

Action Step 1 (Sub-header)
Action Step 2 (Sub-header)
Action Step 3 (Sub-header)
Action Step 4 (Sub-header)

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