Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence. With emphasis on Adolescent Health: Nutrition and Exercise. Sleep Patterns. Leading Causes of Death in Adolescence. Substance Use and Abuse. Eating Disorders.Describe the selected topic and state why you chose it

Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence. With emphasis on Adolescent Health: Nutrition and Exercise. Sleep Patterns. Leading Causes of Death in Adolescence. Substance Use and Abuse. Eating Disorders.

This project gives you an opportunity to explore in depth a lifespan psychology topic of your choice. To this end you will find at least 7 peer reviewed articles related to your topic. These are the sources you will use to write up your paper. Your essay must include within-text citations in APA style. Also, the essay must address the following points.

(1) Describe the selected topic and state why you chose it (Introduction)

(2) State a hypothesis or a question that you plan to explore in this project (End of our Introduction)

(3) Develop the body of your essay by summarizing the seven articles you selected (and textbook if applicable) and appropriately citing your sources in APA style within the essay (this will be the bulk of your paper)

(4) Conclusion:

-Briefly describe whether your hypothesis was supported or your question answered,

-what you learned from reading these articles.


(5) The last page of your essay should be an APA style reference page listing the articles you used and your textbook if applicable

The essay must be at least 5 pages in length, using 12 point font, 1-inch margins all around, and double spaced. No single-spaced or micro-print (smaller than 12-point) will be accepted.

Topics range from : Infancy to Adolescence to Early Adulthood

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