Discuss the role of the cross-cultural worker in empowering local believers and supporting local churches or church planting movements.

Journal Assignment – Week 7

This journal entry requires you to synthesize information from our readings and video lectures in order to articulate a biblical basis for global engagement and to analyze general aspects of culture and society as it relates to global engagement. In your entry this week you must address following:

Based on what you have learned thus far, identify and explain the characteristics of a cross-cultural worker.

Discuss the role of the cross-cultural worker in empowering local believers and supporting local churches or church planting movements. Focus your answer on Western missionaries working in contexts outside of the United States.

Your entry should follow the rubric and meet the following requirements:

Journal entry should total at least 450 words but no more than 750 (note that the questions/prompt themselves do not count towards your word count).

The assignment should be completed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced.

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! You should submit your entry as a reflection of what you have learned, NOT a word for word copy of our readings or any other source.

Support your thoughts/statements with course materials as needed. Use Turabian style footnotes.

Submit your assignment via Blackboard by (the last day of the module/week).

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