Describe the interactions observed in all three videos. What is the ratio of praise to constructive statements in each video?

Supervision Sessions Best Practice

Interactions between supervisors and supervisees should be carefully considered in order to foster a positive work environment that encourages high compliance with the delivery of treatment plans. In this assignment, you will consider how to effectively deliver feedback during supervision sessions between a supervisor and a supervisee in order to increase the likelihood of improved performance.

Review the three supervision videos in this unit’s Supervision Feedback media presentation. Then complete the following:

Describe the interactions observed in all three videos.
What is the ratio of praise to constructive statements in each video?

Research best practices related to supervision feedback. Summarize the main conclusions of the research.

Evaluate the interactions in each video.

How did what you observed in each of the videos compare to best practice techniques in the OBM literature on feedback (hint: think about Daniels’s 4:1 ratio).

What worked well in the interactions?

What did not work well in the interactions?

Which video do you believe would be most likely to improve the supervisee’s performance?

Please use same References from the File 🙂

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