Write a specific plan to conduct a counseling group series that will be useful with the population with whom you plan to work.

Group Counseling Plan- this plan should be a guide for a facilitator-it should be specific and useable.

Write a specific plan to conduct a counseling group series that will be useful with the population with whom you plan to work. You or anyone else should be able to use this document to implement the plan. It should not exceed 10 pages double-spaced, typed.

Chose your topic and research the population and concepts that should be covered. What do your group members need? E.g. Children in a divorce group often believe that they did something to cause the breakup of their family. Adults with new disabilities probably feel helpless and hopeless.

Outline format and/or bullets are acceptable. Include a bibliography of resources you will use. Briefly describe exercises or type of activities. Exercise details or worksheets may be included in an appendix and not counted in the body of the document. Proof and edit your work.

The number in parentheses following each heading is the number of points possible for that section. Each section will be evaluated for thoroughness, demonstration of a clear understanding of that factor, professional language and appropriate examples.

i. Required Cover Page (2) See syllabus

1. Rationale (4)
Name of group. Rationale, why should you do this group with this population? Include statistics from research.

2. Logistics (2)
Location, time, layout of room. Structure: What kind of group? Open or closed? Hetero- or homogenous? Chairs in a circle? Tables? Why?

3. Membership (2)
Who is this group for? How will you choose or find participants? How many? Are you looking for certain kinds of members? Will you screen or interview?

4. Ethical Considerations (2)
Which professional ethical standards will guide you? Your qualifications? How will you address confidentiality? What are the psychological risks to the client? Discuss the rights of the members. Other ethical issues?

5. Leadership (3)
Identify a theoretical perspective (two or more theories) and how it will affect this group. Choose theories that complement each other. (Theories should be reflected in your sessions.) What is your role and responsibility? Indicate the structure. What are your qualifications? Will you find supervision? Why or why not?

6. Group Goals (3)
List the broad goals of your group topic. What behavior changes? Specific objectives will be listed in the next section for each session.

7. The Group (20)
Six sessions required. Indicate objectives, activities, procedures for each session. Discuss opening and closing of each session. Identify techniques and skills that would be expected for your theoretical perspective. Although you cannot know exactly when a group will get to each stage, attend to intensity level of each session. Begin with less threatening content and build intensity in each session. Explain specific activities you would use at each session. This is the working portion of this document. It needs to be very specific. Anyone should be able to use this section as a “Leader’s Guide” to conduct this group.

8. Analysis (3)
List the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen approach and procedures. Also consider pros and cons of working with this particular group on this particular topic.

9. Group Process (3)
How will you encourage and build the group process? What will you watch for, say, or do to encourage group interaction? How will you move members from content to process? What might you say in response to what behavior? How will engage your members and promote interaction? Promote trust? Suggest phrases or techniques to demonstrate these skills. Be specific. Avoid textbook descriptions.

10. Termination (3)
Discuss final termination issues. How will you close the group on the last session? What recommendations and cautions might you suggest as members discontinue their relationships? Other issues such as transition, loss, etc.? Follow-up?


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