Did Manifest Destiny and territorial expansion unite or divide the United States in the early 1800s?Discuss

Did Manifest Destiny and territorial expansion unite or divide the United States in the early 1800s?

Pick 9 of the 12 documents provided and complete the chart below.
Introduction to Manifest Destiny Activity:
Read the arguments for and against Manifest Destiny below.
Review & Highlight The Documents A-L
Apply the H.I.P.P.O. strategy using the chart for your responses
Provide specific detail of the document justifying your answer, and your analysis of its significance.
Provide a minimum of a one-page written synthesize of your response to the prompt: “To What Extent Did Manifest Destiny Divide or Unite the U.S.?”
Provide a claim
Use a minimum of 3 documents to support your claim
Provide 1 counter argument
Be sure this is not just a summary of documents, it must include analysis
Part I: The Arguments
Arguments for Manifest Destiny: Being more advanced and enlightened than other cultures, the U.S. has a God-given right to expand its borders. In fact, the U.S. has an obligation to bring its civilizing influence to the west. Expansion will also strengthen the foundations of the Union, making it invulnerable, and is necessary to accommodate the increasing population of the U.S.

Arguments against Manifest Destiny: God would not grant any country the right to expand at the expense of the native inhabitants whose land would be taken, and the lives of those who would die in wars over territory. The term “Manifest Destiny” is merely an excuse for the U.S. to take other people’s lands. Furthermore, spreading too far across the country will weaken the country’s vital institutions, making the Union vulnerable.

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