Using the questions that Lewis asks as a foundation for your analysis of both the speakers at the news conference and Climenhaga’s response, decide to what extent you would trust any of these speakers or Climenhaga.

Reading journal 1

Watch the news conference by the United Conservative Party (UCP) regarding the implementation of the new K-12 curriculum in Alberta (Province in Canada) shools. The news conference is located here. Next, read David Climenhaga’s article in Alberta Politics for his assessment of the news conference and the “new” curriculum introduced by the UCP government of Alberta. Climenhaga’s article can be found here.

This week’s reading assignment is Kent Lewis’s Chapter 5 in Word and World, called “Questions.” Lewis poses ten questions that a critical reader should ask as a first step in determining the credibility and the value of the material being read.

Using the questions that Lewis asks as a foundation for your analysis of both the speakers at the news conference and Climenhaga’s response, decide to what extent you would trust any of these speakers or Climenhaga.

Make sure you begin your analysis with a detailed thesis statement that identifies the speakers and author, date, and the publication details.

Your analysis does not need to respond to each of the ten questions Lewis asks, but you should determine which questions are the most relevant and significant for this particular occasion and focus on them. Make sure you clearly indicate, within 400-700 words, why you do or why you do not trust the content provided by these various speakers. This will involve some additional research on your part as you evaluate the positions taken by these speakers/authors.

Make sure you provide proper APA citations and references for all the sources you refer to in your journal.

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