Describe how the teacher in the video used these three identified ELL strategies.Discuss how the three strategies used are aligned with relevant ELL theory.


The purpose of the field experience is to provide you with opportunities through observation and practice to demonstrate competency in all areas of English language learner (ELL) theory and practice. The FEA1: ELL Field Experiences program is an assessment of your engagement in field experience activities. You will demonstrate your ability to do the following: reflect on and then plan standards-based instruction in English language learning, manage and implement standards-based instruction, locate and effectively use resources for teaching ELLs and content instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction with subsequent adaptations made to meet the needs of individual students.

For this task, you must document your analysis of video case studies of instructors teaching ELL students in actual classrooms. The attached “Video Case List” contains multiple videos that address a variety of strategies and ELL skill areas. These areas include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE). You will choose 15 videos from the video cases to compose at least 15 hours of observation time. In the attached “Video Case Documentation Form,” you must show evidence of understanding the pedagogical methods covered in the videos.

A. After viewing 15 videos, submit your completed “Video Case Documentation Form” with documentation for each of the videos, including the following information:

• video name

• date and time spent reviewing, analyzing, and critiquing each lesson

• TESOL standards addressed by the lesson

B. Choose five of the videos you have viewed and studied, and write a critique for each video (suggested length of 1–2 pages for each critique) in which you do the following:

1. Describe the context of the lesson being taught.

2. Analyze and critique the lesson, using the following guidelines:

a. Identify three different ELL strategies the teacher used.

b. Describe how the teacher in the video used these three identified ELL strategies.

c. Discuss how the three strategies used are aligned with relevant ELL theory.

d. Discuss how you would adapt or use similar strategies in your own classroom.

C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Supplementary documents to assist you have been attached

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