What evidence did you find that group members appropriately adapted their message to others during the course of their conversations? Provide examples.


Virtually “Attend” a public meeting, such as local school board, city council, or campus council. Here are you options for this assignment:

1. Pinellas County School Board Meeting – Feb 25, 2020 –

2. Board of County Commissioners (Pinellas County) – March 10, 2020 –

3. St. Petersburg College Board of Trustees Meeting – January 21, 2020 –

Using the principles and skills discussed in Chapter 10, evaluate the meeting using the five principles of leadership discussed in the book. Answer the following in your essay:

1. Were group members self-aware and aware of comments and actions of others? Provide examples.

2. How effectively did group members use verbal messages to make their points and organize their ideas? Provide examples.

3. Did nonverbal messages provide supportive and positive reinforcement of others’ comments? Provide examples.

4. How effectively did group members listen and respond to messages? Provide examples.

5. What evidence did you find that group members appropriately adapted their message to others during the course of their conversations? Provide examples.


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