What is new, surprising, or exciting for you about the science of how our brain is ‘plastic’ and can still grow and change, even as adults?Explain

Science of Learning

Required Readings:

( Stop this YouTube video at 2’20” as the rest of the video is an ad)
Read this short chapter entitled “A New Look at Learning” from the book “The New Science of Learning” by Terry Doyle and Todd Zakrajsek

Craft a reflection on the following prompts.

be sure to address the following two prompts in your response:

In your own words, explain the science of learning that was covered in the materials.

What is new, surprising, or exciting for you about the science of how our brain is ‘plastic’ and can still grow and change, even as adults?

Additionally, select one of the following prompts to also include in your response:

Think of something that you do well right now. How did you get so good or knowledgeable at this?

Think of something that you are still learning. Where do you feel the struggle of weaker neural pathways? What might you do to strengthen this neural pathway?

Is all learning difficult? What might make some learning more effortful than other learning?

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