What are the key components of a three act narrative structure? How is the narrative arc of the Master of None Thanksgiving episode structured?Explain


1.) What are the key components of a three act narrative structure? How is the narrative arc of the Master of None “Thanksgiving” episode structured? For example, what is the inciting incident? What are the elements of rising action and rising stakes? What is the crisis? What is the climax? etc.

2.) What is the difference between plot and story? What are some examples of plot elements of “Thanksgiving” that aren’t part of the story? What are some examples of story elements in “Thanksgiving” that aren’t part of the plot?

3.) What is the plot duration the episode? What is the story duration of the episode? What is the screen duration of the episode?

4.) What are the different kinds of narration/narrators a film/TV show can employ? What type of narration/narrators does “Thanksgiving” use? Think in terms of both types of narrators and range of narration (omniscient vs. restricted).

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