Should we go with the classification system that is currently being researched by the National Institutes of mental Health (NIMH)?Discuss


With the release of the DSM 5 in May 2013 came a lot of controversy regarding the changes. Many, including the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), believe that the new manual lacks validity and that at best, it is a classification system based on symptomology, rather than evidenced based research.

Some also believe that the changes in the DSM 5 add to the stigma of mental illness by making it easier to be diagnosed with certain disorders due to a decrease in necessary criteria and the addition of new disorders that many believe should not be diagnoses.

Should we continue to use the DSM 5 as our classification system?

Should we shift strictly to the more widely used ICD-10 (soon to be 11) system?

Should we go with the classification system that is currently being researched by the National Institutes of mental Health (NIMH)?

Which classification system do you believe is best?


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