Critically analyse literature relevant to this new service and provide reasoned justification for the service design.


The aim of the report is to describe and critically discuss a new service being proposed. This new service may have a broad interpretation in that it is an existing service/idea in another location, but your proposal is to adapt the service to your own locality. The main aim of this assessment is to critically analyse the relevant literature and provide reasoned justifications for the service design. This will include a plan of how the service should be put into practice and how it will be evaluated, with use of relevant evaluation frameworks. Although we encourage novel and innovative service ideas, the marking will be based on the quality of the proposal, including critical analysis of pertinent literature, weighing of strengths and weaknesses of design decisions, and quality of implementation and evaluation plans.

Develop a proposal for public health intervention to be delivered in primary care

1. Describe a new service being proposed

2. Critically discuss a new service being proposed

3. It could be an old or new service, however adapt it to your own locally

4. Critically analyse literature relevant to this new service and provide reasoned justification for the service design

5. Draw up a plan of how the service should be put into practice

6. How will the service be evaluated using relevant evaluation framework?

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