Evaluate the quality of prison services for inmates. Explain how treatment in prison can become more effective.

Topics covered in the personal research presentation should include a minimum of the following information:

Compare the main types of diversion programs and identify their advantages and disadvantages.

Clarify the legal rights of probationers.

Evaluate the effectiveness of probation and identify some of the promising programs in probation services.

Discuss the future trends of the jails and prisons.

Identify the role of treatment and services in prisons today.

Evaluate the quality of prison services for inmates. Explain how treatment in prison can become more effective.

Describe parole practices today and how parole boards function.

You will submit your information on the assigned date. Grading will be on the following:

1. you conduct an informational interview or personal research project

2. your paper &presentation includes general information about your interview: who you interviewed,

when, where.

3. your paper & presentation includes a minimum of 5-7 open, focused interview questions or personal

research paper contains a minimum of 5-7 different topics researched thoroughly and includes topics

from the listed instructions.

4. personal thoughts and opinions are interjected in the paper and presentation, reflections and

conclusions should evaluate the information gained in the interview and/or research.

5. paper includes a introduction/summary/conclusion of what you learned in the interview or your

research and is accurate.

6. summary/conclusion provides relevant details from assignment

7. you include a thank you letter to the person you interviewed (interview only)

8. all work evidences correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. APA format for written work.

9. all work is neat and attractive & presentation was professional and informative.

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