How would you design a public relations program to try to maintain your current assessment system?Discuss how Quality Assurance considerations may help.

New assessment notices have just been mailed out in your jurisdiction. Because of different rates of property value changes, there has been a tax shift for residential property owners. Owners on the east side of town will face lower property taxes because their property values increased by lower than average, while owners on the west side of town will face higher property taxes because their property values have increased by more than average.

In addition, it is a provincial election year. Both of the main political parties are calling for an overhaul of the assessment system. Their “solutions” include capping assessment increases, averaging assessment, poll taxes, Proposition 13 type of changes, and many other inequitable arrangements. Your jurisdiction currently uses a budget-based market value system with reassessments at market value every year.

How would you design a public relations program to try to maintain your current assessment system? In your answer, discuss how Quality Assurance considerations may help. (10 Marks)

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