Produce an MLA formatted, 5-page essay where you will analyze a theme within Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein using it and two other sources.

Produce an MLA formatted, 5-page essay where you will analyze a theme within Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein using it and two other sources (source list below).

Break down the theme using at least two places you see it in the novel and thoroughly investigating the theme from the other two sources; you should also analyze the theme within society overall.

Here is a list of themes you could focus on in the essay; please choose one of them:

-Crossing Boundaries
-Natural Laws
-Parental Responsibility

Here is a list of sources you can focus on in the essay; please choose two of them (in addition to Frankenstein):

-The Shining (book or film)
-Phantom of the Opera (show or film)
-Count of Monte Cristo (book or film)
-To Kill a Mockingbird (book or film)
-Lucy (film)
-The Great Gatsby (book or film)
-Edward Scissorhands (film)

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