If you were in charge of our society, what socialization practice would you most try to change to help improve our society? Explain your answer.

Please make sure you are going in as much detail as possible when submitting your reading responses. All answers should include examples and references to illustrate your understanding of class material.
Click on this link and read chapter 5 only

Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World


1) What is the difference between ascribed status and achieved status? Name a few of your achieved and ascribe statuses

2) What is a social group? Which social groups are you a part of?

3) What are the social institutions of society?

4) Explain why societies became more unequal in terms of gender and wealth as they developed and become larger.

5) How do our roles shape our social interaction?

6) What is impression management? Have you ever used impression management? How?

7) If you were in charge of our society, what socialization practice would you most try to change to help improve our society? Explain your answer.

8) Suppose you are working in a financial services firm and are married with a 2-year-old daughter.

Your spouse is out of town at a conference, and you have an important meeting to attend shortly after lunch where you are scheduled to make a key presentation.

As you are reviewing your PowerPoint slides while you eat lunch at your desk, you get a call from your daughter’s day care center.

Your daughter is not feeling well and has a slight temperature, and the day care center asks you to come pick her up. What do you do?

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