Demonstrate knowledge of airway assessment and management for general anaesthesia and competency in preparing the relevant equipment.


Anaesthesia for General Surgery-Airway Management

Demonstrate knowledge of airway assessment and management for general anaesthesia and competency in preparing the relevant equipment.

– Demonstrates knowledge of the anatomy of the upper airway

– Able to recognise and manage an upper airway obstruction

– Able to prepare and check equipment for routine intubation and assist with routine intubation.

Demonstrates detailed knowledge of airway equipment, features, role and mode of use i.e. laryngoscope and blades, videolaryngoscopes, bougies, introducers, ILMA, jet insufflation, fibreoptic intubating equipment Recognise the different types of LMAs & ETTs, and their indications for use. Able to select the appropriate airway.

– Understands the role of the anaesthetic nurse in airway establishment

– Understands the principle involved in assessing the patient’s airway for potential difficulty with intubation and I or ventilation i.e. using the mnemonic MOANS, LEMONS, DOA

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