Compare and evaluate key theories in Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, and Biopsychology.

Survey current research done on the study habit formation.

Compare and evaluate key theories in Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, and Biopsychology.

Evaluate a chosen body of literature by identifying relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature, and by suggesting the next step needed to solve the research problem.

Interprets how each line of research supports or fails to support the theory that healthy habits attribute to optimal human experience.

You may compare studies in terms of assumptions about the research question,
the experimental method, data analysis, and any conclusions drawn.

The following should be achieved:

Introduce research question (what are habits, and why it is worth examining)

Narrow the research question to the chosen studies.

Describe studies in detail

Compare and evaluate studies

Discuss implications of studies (your judgment of what the studies show, and where to go from here)

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