What is the role of hidden curriculum? Discuss the effect of hidden curriculum on moral education in primary school.

What is the role of hidden curriculum? The effect of hidden curriculum on moral education in primary school


* Introduction-250 words

* Description of the context-250 words

* Discussion in the context of the Literature with which you are critically engaging- 2000 words

* Conclusion-500

* Reference

Focus on the two reading:

1. Developing Educational Programs: Overcoming the Hidden Curriculum (by Dr. Henry A. Giroux)

2. What are schools for? in Curriculum and the Specialization of Knowledge Chapter 8 (by M. Young )

☆Strong assignments:

Show a breadth and depth of understanding

Make reference to a wide range of literature

Engage with a specific context

Flow and tell a coherent story

Reference readings:

Are well structured, with sub-headings

Demonstrate a critical perspective

engagement with the readings

Cite references correctly

Are within the word count

☆Some initial questions to consider

What is my ‘context’?

Which aspects of that theme am I mainly focusing on?

what is the general direction of my argument?

What additional readings will be appropriate?

Narrow the focus

Make clear arguments all the way through

focus one or two readings

can use the context as a starting point

5-10 references (depends on your arguements)

Critical analysis is about the idea of valuating, judging, going beyond just describing someone else’s literature or work

bringing different perspective

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