Can you summarize, in just a couple of sentences, what Schulz is saying here about the importance and impossibility of understanding other people?


Download article here: Heartbreak_Being Wrong.pdf

This article is taken from a terrific book by Kathryn Schulz called Being Wrong. The book looks at the ways we get things wrong: sensory mirages, leaping to conclusions, mistaken memories, just not noticing stuff because we’re concentrating on something else, ignoring evidence that might force us to change our thinking or challenge our relationships.

In this extract, she discusses the ways in which we get each other wrong. We overestimate how well we know others, especially when we love them; even though we all feel that we ourselves are an unknowable sea of experience, we feel like other people are there to be easily analyzed. Life is full of moments, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, of bumping into the unexpected reality that is another person.

Your task:

1. Can you summarize, in just a couple of sentences, what Schulz is saying here about the importance and impossibility of understanding other people?

2. Pick a quote here that stands out to you, and explain what you find interesting about it.

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