Discuss the subjectivity of translators in Literary translation through textual appropriation, adaptation, and intervention.


Discuss the subjectivity of translators in Literary translation through textual appropriation, adaptation, and intervention. Give examples from books, articles, texts, etc.

Areas you can cover:

• social and ideological positions

• linguistic competence

• cultural consciousness

• personal traits

• reader awareness

• creativity

• aesthetic tendency.

Structure and Criteria.

• Introduction

• How well is the scope of the essay defined?

• Conclusion

• How well are the important points raised in the body of the essay recapitulated?

• How well can this section serve as an ‘analytical focus’ – a summary analysis of the material referred to in the body of the essay?

• Use of Relevant Evidence

• Is the evidence used relevant, thoughtfully selected, and from a variety of sources?

• Critical Analysis and Originality

• Is the approach to question well informed?

• Is there clear evidence of a good understanding of sources and critical thought?

• Structure and Organization

• Is the essay coherent and well structured? Is it easy to follow the author’s line of thinking?

• Does the essay develop a logical argument? How well are the ideas marshalled?

• Are quotations and/or examples in other languages (back-)translated or explained in English to benefit readers who do not have other working languages?

• Referencing

• Does the bibliography cover all the main sources? Are the references relevant, clear, and accurate?

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