Complete an essay of approximately 500-600 words (5 paragraphs) on one of the topics in Exercise 11-1 on page 342 of the textbook.

Eng 097 College Literacy Essay #4

Complete an essay of approximately 500-600 words (5 paragraphs) on one of the topics in Exercise 11-1 on page 342 of the textbook.

Follow the directions for the exercise as you write a first draft on the topic of your choice. Use a summary, a paraphrase, and a quotation from the sources (review pages 24 and 26 in Chapter 1).

Use standard essay form which will include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The sentences should be grammatically correct, and the wording should be appropriate for an academic paper. Employ the writing skills that you have learned in this course.

The essay should be double spaced, using size 12 font, New Times Roman. It should have a header with your name, course, type of assignment, and date. The essay should have a creative title.

Both the first draft of the essay as well as the final draft must be typed. The first draft is worth 25 points and will undergo peer editing. The final draft is worth 50 points.

The essay should include the following:

• an introduction and a conclusion

• in text citations for material taken from sources

• a Works Cited page listing the sources used (2 must be database sources)

• relevant topic sentences • body paragraphs focused on one main idea each

• a logical progression of ideas • ideas developed and supported with specific details

• a clear presentation of your ideas • sentences free or almost free from errors

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