Develop and write a pitch concept and delivery report for a PR campaign that is fresh and original.Select and employ the use of main PR tactics.

Develop and write a pitch concept and delivery report for a PR campaign that is fresh and original.


Original Campaign launch / pitch

Students will individually create an original product or company and for this you will create a campaign and message. Presentation of pitch in a poster presentation format including all the main requirements of the campaign, these main points should be taken from the 1,200-word written report.

Poster pitch will be 30% and the report will be 70% of the final mark.

The assignment requires each student to develop and write a pitch concept and delivery report for a PR campaign that is fresh and original. It can be a brand, charity, institute or a newcomer. It can be to promote a new addition to an established company with your original brand / message. This work can be completed as a group.

The assignment requires the completion of two areas of work. These are:

a) the Final individually written PR campaign concept report,

b) the Pitch Presentation using a poster presentation via a visual video

Poster pitch will be 30% and the report will be 70% of the final mark.

The poster should include all the highlights of the campaign for us to see in one place.

Final project (70%)

Maximum of 1200 word concept report including all steps that should be taken to complete the proposed PR campaign.

Plan and structure of the PR Campaign

Internal and external factors that may impact the campaign

Differentiation between business, communication and PR objectives

Devise strategy

Analyse audience and the possible issues

How to model the messages

Select and employ the use of main PR tactics

Evaluate the campaign

All the above can be taken into consideration, but do not have to be. You may decide to include something else.

Assessment and Allocation of Marks

Presentation and Final Report Components required

1. Structure

Evidence of Planning/Preparedness a clear step by step process introduced and concluded to make the campaign come alive

Clear, logical sequence of ideas

2. Content

Is the campaign choice appropriate for the assessment task?

Does it show a clear development of the campaign? Sources of information used should all be accounted for in the final report appendix / bibliography

Description v Analyses be careful not to always be describing, but rather try to show clear thought of analysis at every step of your campaign development.

3. Communication Skills

Delivery of the PR campaign should be clear and concise so that the reader will be able to follow and be able to make thoughtful judgements. Interaction with audience should be on a good level and be considered when the presentation is made via video.

Is the poster presentation engaging and stimulating?

4. Resources

Appropriate use of presentation aids for presentation. This should then be carried through at the written report stage with use of the relevant visuals and further explanation of the use of such mediums.

All the written material must be free of typographical errors such as misprints or use of wrong characters. Do make sure you ask a peer to read through your final draft below is a list of guide-questions which will be addressed when the work is marked.

Report of PR Campaign overall should tick the questions below

Is the campaign, original and authentic?

Is there an awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constant reviewing?

Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored?

Is what is proposed relevant, concise and original?

The report should be written in academic style without journalistic flavour. Do include a summary of the project in the final report.

The report must include an appendix and bibliography of what is covered and researched.

Use as much resources as you need.


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