Consider the major figures and events that brought us to where we are today, what are the current challenges and questions being faced in this area and how might those questions be answered in the next generation?


Instructions:Transitional Figures in Jewish History Spring Semester Assignment

The objective of this course is to look at the Jewish world around us and uncover how and why that Jewish world looks the way it does, identify who were the people and circumstances that laid the ground work for our current reality, and ask the questions of what might the future hold

Consider the major figures and events that brought us to where we are today, what are the current challenges and questions being faced in this area and how might those questions be answered in the next generation?

Interdenominational communal relations within the Jewish community

1. general overview of the different denominations with a nod to the major players in their inceptions,

2. small mention the similarities and differences

MAIN FOCUS being #

3: How have their interrelations played out in the past and how have the different identities affected the community as a whole- perhaps if you would like to like identify specific moments, like perhaps when some of the movements made landmark decisions what was the response to that.

And again, looking perhaps, where are we going in the future, could also be a great angle to go as far as these relationships

Submit your paper. 2-4 pages. Include all sources

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