Describe and compare the ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric approaches to staffing policies followed by MNEs. Which of these approaches is most suitable for a firm pursuing a localisation strategy, and why?Explain


Choose ONE QUESTION from the essay titles provided below and provide a word count. Read the coursework guidance and assessment criteria carefully.

The coursework will be assessing learning outcomes 1 and 2 listed below.
Subject research, written communication; applied analysis; critical thinking; and problem solving skills are developed and assessed as part of this coursework.

Learning Outcomes

Exhibit insight of theoretical knowledge, analyse, provide reasoning and apply understanding to complex international business issues and the business environment with reference to themes such as globalisation, the internationalisation of production, foreign market entry, foreign investment and international trade.

Analyse and demonstrate an in-depth understanding of different issues involved in the operations of the multinational businesses in the global economy, in areas such as supply chain management, financial management, foreign exchange management, human resource management, and the management of cultural diversity and ethical decisions. This involves the evaluation of several different factors when offering solution.

Guidance on writing your essay

The answer should be written in an ESSAY style. The essay should be clearly presented and logically structured, and include an introduction, main body and conclusion. It is useful to use headings and subheadings to create a clear structure and focus in your essay. Statistical evidence such as graphs and tables can be placed in the main body or appendix and clearly explained in the essay and referenced (i.e. source of data/graph).

The style of writing should be formal and impersonal. Do NOT use “I” or “we” or slang. Make sure that you proofread your essay to avoid grammatical, spelling and typing errors.

The very first page of your coursework should be a title page and include the question you are answering, module code and the title of the module, student ID, date of submission and content of your essay.

The word limit is 2000 words- learning to be concise is part of your training. (Long introductions and/or summaries tend make essays repetitious – keep these sections brief). An essay of less than 1900 words probably contains insufficient material to answer the question adequately. You can go above the word limit by 10%.

As you are expected to thoroughly research the essay topic and apply theory, it is important that your work is properly referenced in the text using the Harvard method and has a list of references at the end of the essay. If you use internet sources the full reference must be provided with date accessed not just the link/shortcut. Make sure that all your graphs and tables have sources clearly stated.
Remember to use quotation marks when quoting material written or provided by others.

Please note that plagiarism is a serious offence. See the section on plagiarism in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. Check your similarity score in your essay when you upload it on Turnitin and reduce it before final submission.
By submitting your coursework, you confirm that the assignment is solely your own work and that you have acknowledged all sources of information.

Assessment Criteria:

Content and analysis: The content of your essay should be focussed and accurate, show a good knowledge and understanding of the topic, provide relevant economic arguments, diagrams, figures, statistical evidence, real world example and critical analyses, with evidence of research from a range of ACADEMIC sources, and appropriate conclusion.
Written expression and presentation of the essay: Due consideration must be given to the structure and presentation of the essay, the writing style, and the use of English. You should avoid using slang and personal pronouns, and ensure that your coursework is written in a style which has flow and sequence.
In-text referencing and complete bibliography: All sources of information must be fully acknowledged using the Harvard method in the text and bibliography.

Answer ONE Question:

QUESTIOIN 1. Discuss the impact of globalisation and Covid-19 pandemic on economic growth, income inequality, poverty and environment/climate change EITHER at global level OR in a specific country. Illustrate your answer using statistical evidence, real world examples and a wide range of sources.

Advice: It is important to BRIEFLY define globalisation as well as globalisation of markets and production. Provide critical evaluation of impact of globalisation using statistical evidence to support your arguments. For example, if you are suggesting that as a result of globalisation, poverty has declined, you need to provide data to show that and also show how Covid-19 pandemic has influenced poverty. You can base your analysis on a particular country or take a global view.

Use real world examples, statistical evidence and a wide range of sources. Provide references in your essay and bibliography using the Harvard referencing method.

QUESTION 2. Using real world examples, compare and contrast TWO foreign market entry strategies used by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). Evaluate the success/ failure of these entry strategies by referring to real world examples. You can EITHER evaluate TWO different entry strategies used by the same MNE in different geographical markets OR evaluate entry strategies used by different MNEs.

Advice: You are required to BREIFLY explain the guiding principles for choosing different entry methods. Examine TWO different foreign entry strategies such as exporting, franchising, licensing, joint venture and FDI. You need to explain your TWO chosen different foreign market entry strategies. You can evaluate two different market entry strategies adopted by ONE multinational in different countries. This can be an in-depth case study focussing on a particular company entering different countries/markets using different entry strategies. ALTERNATIVELY, you can evaluate two different market entry strategies used by different multinationals either in different markets/countries or the same market/country. It is important to discuss success and failure of foreign market entry strategies used and possible reasons for this.
Use real world examples, statistical evidence and a wide range of sources. Provide references in your essay and bibliography using the Harvard referencing method.

QUESTION 3. Examine the potential impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on the global economy with particular emphasis on FDI in developed OR developing economies. Discuss the potential impact of the pandemic on MNEs in developed OR developing economies. Illustrate your answer using real world examples and recent statistical evidence.

Advice: You need to use recent statistics and forecasts from reliable /academic sources and international organisations to examine the impact of Coronavirus pandemic on the global economy. You may focus your analysis on a particular country or take a global view. This may involve examining recent trends in consumer demand, supply chains, economic growth, inflow and outflow of FDI, performance of MNEs, bankruptcies etc.

QUESTION 4. Discuss the arguments for and against foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries. What strategies might developing countries adopt to make FDI fit their development aspirations better without destroying all incentives for foreign investors? Provide real examples and statistical evidence to support your arguments.

Advice: You need to define foreign direct investment (FDI) BRIEFLY. Examine the positive and negative effects of FDI on the host developing economy. You need to use real world examples of Multinational Enterprises involved in FDI in a developing countries and how they have had positive or negative impacts by considering FIVE of the following: employment, economic growth, domestic investment, balance of payment, environment, culture, national sovereignty, etc. as discussed in the lecture. Use real world examples, statistical evidence and a wide range of sources. Provide references in your essay and bibliography using the Harvard referencing method.

QUESTION 5. Answer ALL parts

a) Examine the main factors that affect the decision of locating production facilities, illustrating your answer using real world examples. (50% weighting)

b) Explain when concentration/centralisation of production makes sense. Illustrate your answer with real world examples. (20% weighting)

c) Using real world examples, discuss the factors influencing make and buy decisions facing Multinational Enterprises. (30% weighting)

Advice: You need to explain all the different factors influencing choice of location for production facilities using real examples. You can examine the decision of a particular MNE to locate production facilities in a particular country and why the company has chosen to concentrate/centralise production. You also need to examine the factors that influence whether MNEs MAKE or BUY certain products and components using real world examples.

QUESTION 6. Answer ALL Parts

a) Describe and compare the ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric approaches to staffing policies followed by MNEs. Which of these approaches is most suitable for a firm pursuing a localisation strategy, and why? (30% weighting)

b) Research suggests that many expatriate employees encounter problems that limit their effectiveness in a foreign posting. Discuss the reasons why expatriate managers often fail to complete their foreign assignment. How can companies address and reduce these problems? How has Covid-19 pandemic influenced the expatriates’ situation? Use real world examples to illustrate your answer.
(50% weighting)
c) Briefly explain the problems faced by repatriates when they return home after foreign postings and how they can be addressed using real world examples.
(20% weighting)

QUESTION 7. Choose TWO countries that are culturally diverse, and describe how their cultures differ, focusing on cultural aspects that are most important for business. In answering the question, use Hofstede’s conceptual framework to identify and compare particular cultural differences. Which of the two cultures is, on the whole, more favourable to business, and why? Is Hofstede’s approach still relevant today?

QUESTION 8. Discuss any FOUR different approaches to ethical business decision making advanced by scholars who consider Multinational Corporations strategies towards pay, working conditions and use of child labour in developing countries. Which approach, if any, do you favour, and why? Use real world examples to illustrate your answer.

QUESTION 9. You can choose a topic from those covered in the syllabus in lectures for learning outcomes 1 and 2, formulate a question and answer it using real world examples, statistical evidence and a wide range of sources. You need to provide references in your essay and in the bibliography using the Harvard referencing method.

You need to discuss your topic and get approval from your module leader.

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