Explain photodegradable plastic and green plastic. Provide at least (2) examples of products for each

Recycling Proposal Essay For School


You will be writing an essay that proposes a recycling initiative here at school.  There is specific information and criteria that must be included in the proposal essay.  However, you are free to add any other information (including statistics, charts, etc.).  The end goal is for your proposal essay to be factual (tell the truth), informative (able to learn from), and appeal to a large audience to make a change here at school.

Administration will be given your proposals.

Your essay will be at least (3) pages. This Recycling Proposal Essay will be a summative grade.

Recycling Proposal Essay Minimum Requirements:

❏     Thoroughly explain what recycling is and the steps (process) of recycling.
❏ Recycling:
❏ Proces:
❏ 1.
❏ 2.
❏ 3.
❏ 4.
❏     Provide at least (5) “very” detailed reasons why recycling is beneficial. Be sure to explain thoroughly.
❏ 1.
❏ 2.
❏ 3.
❏ 4.
❏ 5.
❏     Explain photodegradable plastic and green plastic. Provide at least (2) examples of products for each.
❏ Photodegradable plastic:
❏ Example 1:
❏ Example 2:
❏ Green Plastic:
❏ Example 1:
❏ Example 2:
❏     Provide at least (3) “very” detailed disadvantages (or possible disadvantages) of recycling. Be sure to explain thoroughly.
❏ 1.
❏ 2.
❏ 3.
❏     Identify and explain (3) ways we can reduce/recycle/reuse here at school.
❏ 1.
❏ 2.
❏ 3.
❏ Explain what specifically can be reduced/recycled/reused at School (for example: plastic bottles, styrofoam, bottle tops, old shoes, etc.)
❏ 1.
❏ 2.
❏ Explain how recycling these items could be a benefit for the school campus, city, staff, students, and/or other personnel.
❏     Include any other additional information you feel would be beneficial for your proposal.

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