Referencing at least one story by each author, consider the use of magical realism presented by these two authors. How do they use the genre differently? How do they use it in the same way? What, at its heart, is the purpose of adding a “magical” element to an otherwise real world?Discuss

Authors Murakami and Garcia Marquez and the film Parasite


Two questions. 4-7 paragraphs total (each question min. 2 paragraph answer)

Murakami and Garcia Marquez

Option A:

Referencing at least one story by each author, consider the use of magical realism presented by these two authors. How do they use the genre differently? How do they use it in the same way? What, at its heart, is the purpose of adding a “magical” element to an otherwise real world? Make sure that you’re discussing the two stories together and not just doing one paragraph per story.


Option B:

How does the film project class differences throughout the film? Think more deeply than clothing or obvious plot points (i.e. employer/employee dynamic). What other features of the film work to symbolically reinforce this class difference that is inherent in the film. What is the film trying to say about these class differences? Try to reference at least one specific scene.

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