The Innovation Of CRISPR Genetic Engineering: To What Extent Is This Form Of Genetic Engineering Ethical In Human Embryos?Discuss

The Innovation Of CRISPR Genetic Engineering: To What Extent Is This Form Of Genetic Engineering Ethical In Human Embryos?

1) introduction- what is CRISPR and how does it work? how does it relate to medical pillars of science and why is it important to access its ethics?

2) Regulations and public perception. How is crispr being regulated? (Compare using 3 countries- USA, UK, China) How does the public perceive CRISPR and how can we leave a positive impression?


1) informed consent- what is informed consent? 2 arguments for 3 arguments against

2) Justice and equity- is justice and equity related to medical pillars of science?why is it important to prevent inequalities whilst providing this medication? 2 arguments for 3 arguments against

3) Designer babies- what is a designer baby? how does the public perceive this technology? 2 arguments for 3 arguments against

4) Research on embryos- What countries allow embryo research (refer back to comparing the UK, US and china) 2 arguments for 3 arguments against

Conclusion- is using CRISPR ethical?

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