Using demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural market segmentation variables segment the consumer market for Cheddar Deli in Birmingham and devise a detailed customer profile of a typical customer for its service.

Cheddar Deli is planning to open up a new branch in Birmingham, UK and you are asked to make recommendations as to how this could be achieved. Recommendations should be presented in PowerPoint.


The Cheddar Deli was opened in August 2011 in Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London. It sells and stocks over a hundred types of artisan cheeses from Britain Ireland, France, and Spain Italy & Holland. The focus is on taste, quality and artisan food. The company’s ethos is “We are deeply passionate about our range of cheeses, hams, charcuterie and olives and have been sources from the very finest producers and importers.

Our range of fine wines, fortified wines, whiskey, real ales, chutneys, pickles, crackers and accompaniment will enhance your food experience. Our staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic and trained in pairing food to make your flavours come to life”.

The owner, Brent Wilkinson, has a background in fine food hospitality operations and wholesaling. He has worked in the food industry since leaving school enjoying an extensive knowledge of food service in London and the food industry’s artisan manufacturing techniques outside of the capital. He has a real passion for good for good food (adapted from Cheddar Deli (2021) available @ (accessed: 27 January 2021)


Cheddar Deli is planning to open up a new branch in Birmingham, UK and you are asked to make recommendations as to how this could be achieved. Recommendations should be presented in PowerPoint and include a narrative (your own voice) to address the following tasks (Tasks are of equal weighting).

Task 1:

Using demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural market segmentation variables segment the consumer market for Cheddar Deli in Birmingham and devise a detailed customer profile of a typical customer for its service.

Task 2:

Identify the competition for Cheddar Deli in Birmingham and devise a perceptual map explaining how you would position Cheddar Deli in the food retail market (the perceptual map must show the positioning of Cheddar Deli but also the competitors that you have identified).

Task 3:

Provide examples of the different marketing tactics (product. price, place, promotion, physical evidence, people and process) that Cheddar Deli could use to create value for the Birmingham consumer profile you identified in Task 01.



1) 70 % grade awarded for your PowerPoint slides

2) It is recommended you have between 8-10 PowerPoint Slides.

3) Students are expected to use references on their slides, but also expected to include a full reference list at the end of the presentation.

4) You are expected to use all 4 segmentation variables when devising the customer profile for Cheddar Deli

5) You must include a perceptual map in your presentation and clearly identify the competition for Cheddar Deli.

6) You must provide clear examples of all the different marketing tactics used by Cheddar Deli to create value for the customer.

7) For place (distribution) please choose a suitable location in Birmingham city centre or the suburbs.

8) You are expected to conduct secondary research and use marketing theory in your presentation to help you demonstrate your understanding of the subject.

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