Review the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario.Identify 3 major market factors from the Phoenix Hospital scenario.

Understanding Strategic Decision-Making in Health Care Part Two

Week : Market Analysis for Phoenix Hospital

Review the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario.

Research current health care events that influence hospital or other health care facility performance. Consider using the article review from the Week 2 assignment, “Understanding Strategic Decision-Making in Health Care,” if applicable.

Complete the chart using a minimum of 700 words with the following information:

• Identify 3 major market factors from the Phoenix Hospital scenario.

• Analyze how the major market factors selected will affect performance of the hospital in the next 3 years.

o Consider real-life current events in health care and how those could affect hospital performance.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.


HCS/498 Strategic Planning Capstone
5-year Strategic Plan Scenario


Phoenix Hospital is a 180-bed acute care hospital that is qualified as a not-for-profit facility. The hospital was originally owned by the county and transferred status to an independent facility three years ago. The hospital receives no external funding from governmental agencies for operations. The hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission and received re-accreditation during its triannual survey last year. The hospital has an aggressive quality management program and a low volume of medical malpractice claims.

The hospital is located in Bedford, which is a city of 50,000 with 80,000 in the regional market. The hospital provides a general range of acute care services including medical/surgical, rehab, and emergency care. The president of the hospital has asked you to lead the development of a 5-year strategic plan for the hospital. You will use data provided in this scenario to make your decisions and recommendations.

In addition to information provided in this scenario, you are expected to include information from outside sources that are relevant to real-life events and projections for today’s health care market. This would include any actual market projections based on changes to health care reform and financing.
Market Forces that Affect the Hospital


The continued growth of chronic disease will require changes to the care management model.
Percent of Population by Age

Five years ago Five years from now
Under 18 24 18
18 to 44 46 32
45 to 65 26 30
Over 65 4 20

More than 53% of residents have at least some college education, with just more than 29% having an associates, bachelor’s, or graduate degree. More than 90 percent of residents have at least a high school diploma.
The average unemployment rate in the county is currently 9.9%.
Market share distribution percentage with major competitor.

                                           Five years ago                                                                    Last year
Phoenix Hospital                      48                                                                                         35

Competitor                              30                                                                                          43

Out of county hospitals           22                                                                                          22

Patient Origin by Zip Code for Phoenix Hospital


There is a continued focus on pay for performance and increased wellness programs. Health care reform has created more covered lives; however, there are often high deductibles.

The median household income for county residents is $59,548. On average, households in the county earn more than the state median household income of $44,446 and more than the national average of $53,650. The addition of a new automotive manufacturing plant to the local market this coming year is projected to add 1,500 production line jobs and 300 administrative jobs by year-end. Median income for the production positions is estimated at $45,000 and will provide health, vision, and dental insurance benefits.
As part of your review of this data, consider that a portion of the population will become Medicare eligible, the addition of manufacturing positions that include benefits will increase commercial insurance coverage, and changes from the health care reform will increase the number of patients in the market with insurance coverage.
There is expected growth in large employers with the addition of an automotive factory in the northwest sector of the county.
Staffing has remained stable for the past year. The only difficulty is that there are not sufficient nurses cross-trained to work in the intensive care unit, so expensive agency nurses have been used periodically to fill this gap in the ICU.
The continued shortage of medical staff, especially in orthopedics, oncology, and primary care, will require increased recruitment efforts.
The other hospital in county, Hanover County Hospital, updated its facility and has drawn more market share.

Competitor Key Areas of Competition New Programs and Facilities Risk to Market Share
Primary Competitors
Hanover County Hospital Facility upgrade
Significant renovation of core hospital to update aesthetics

Added new wide-bore MRI machine last year

Reaching 95th percentile in five of six HCAPS categories Drawing patients to newer facility

Accommodates heavier patients

Patient perception of higher quality and patient satisfaction
Quality Scores
Medical Center in county south of Phoenix Physician clinics

Financial stability e-visits with specialists

Low debt and high cash on hand Drawing patients out of primary and specialty care at Phoenix Hospital

Ability to cash flow projects
Secondary Competitors
Retail pharmacy instant clinic Low acuity office visits Pharmacy added instant clinic in north end of county 6 months ago Loss of patients from primary care physician practices


The addition of e-visits by a large hospital system in an adjoining county has drawn more market share to their physician practices.
The hospital has one MRI unit that is seven years old and is beginning to experience more “downtime” and is in need of more frequent repairs. This downtime has caused some scheduling delays for patients, and medical staff are voicing their concern.

The hospital has implemented the first phase of an electronic medical records system, which includes patient records for medical units and lab and radiology reporting. Specialized components of the system for OB documentation and oncology documentation have not yet been purchased.
The emergency department provides EMS ambulance service to the county and has two ambulances. One ambulance is five years old and the second is eight years old with 187,000 miles on it.

The cardiology department has one cardiac catheterization lab in good working condition. Demand for cath lab time has increased, but there have been delays because of limited cath lab trained staff and only having one cath lab available.
The front lobby of the hospital is in disrepair with worn tile flooring and aged lobby furniture.
An employee gym was created several years ago but only contains one treadmill and a few weights. Staff have complained that there is not better gym equipment.

Regulatory Changes

Health care reform has increased the number of patients with some form of insurance payment. These patients are now seeking care in greater numbers from a primary care physician. Phoenix Hospital currently struggles with accommodating patient scheduling requests to establish care with a primary care physician.

Accreditation requirements for the coming year are changing to require CPOE (computerized physician order entry) in the medical record. The current electronic medical record system has not required CPOE, and staff regulations have accommodated verbal orders to nurses on a routine basis.

During the last Joint Commission survey, the hospital was cited for not having fire sprinkler heads in one patient care unit of the hospital. Installation cost is estimated at $50,000.

During the last Joint Commission survey, the hospital was cited for not demonstrating sufficient training of staff for emergency preparedness and disaster drills.

The State Department of Health has issued a new regulation that requires all hospital management personnel to have documented active shooter training once per year, beginning this coming year.

                         Hospital Financial Summary

           This year                                                                                                                                   Last year
Operating Revenues

Net revenues from services to patients                                                                                                                                      343,737,280 344,726,245

Other operating revenues                                      16,846,309 20,311,534

Total operating revenues                                       360,583,589 365,037,779

Operating Expenses

Salaries and benefits                                               192,053,379 182,853,245

Supplies and other expenses                                  130,173,477 135,560,131

Depreciation                                                                                                                                                                            18,969,799 20,644,157

Interest                                                                    2,695,623 2,226,437

Foundation                                                              628,184 1,182,308

Total operating expenses 3                                                                                                                                                        44,520,462 342,466,278

Income from operations                                          16,063,127 22,571,501

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