Explore how your selected textbook or digital resource supports your overall curriculum change plan evaluation objectives. Discuss whether you will need to locate supplemental materials.

You have learned about curriculum assessment and evaluation. This assignment will allow you to evaluate one textbook or digital resource for your curriculum change plan. This assignment will also allow you to connect your textbook or digital resource information to your overall curriculum evaluation plan. These analyses are essential for the soundness of the curriculum change plan.

1. Download the Curriculum Change Plan: Part 5 – Textbook and Digital Resource Chart Template.

2. Complete the Curriculum Change Plan: Part 5 – Textbook and Digital Resource Chart Template. Review the template section descriptions below.

• Textbook and Digital Resource Chart
o Select one textbook or digital resource that you want to evaluate. This should be something that is relevant to your curriculum change plan. Evaluate the textbook or digital resource according to the criteria in the template chart. Provide your views. Write at least one sentence in every box that explains your detailed views about the textbook or digital resource.

o Reflect on how the selected textbook or digital resource supports curriculum plan assessments and overall objectives. Fully detail how your selected textbook or digital resource supports your assessment plan. For example, explain how the selected textbook or digital resource supports the plan for diagnostic/pre-assessment, formative, performance-based, and summative assessments.

• Curriculum Evaluation
o Explore how your selected textbook or digital resource supports your overall curriculum change plan evaluation objectives. Discuss whether you will need to locate supplemental materials. If so, specify the supplemental materials. Based on your analyses, identify and explain your planned model for overall curriculum evaluation. For example, detail whether you will need the CIPP Model, the Gordon Taylor Model, etc.

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