What recommendations could be made that address these social and environmental determinants to provide patient- centred health services?Discuss

Population Health and Society


Thomas is a 2 year old boy living in Byron Bay, New South Wales. He complains of pain in his teeth and is unable to eat any solid food. His mother is the sole carer for Thomas and feeds him with a bottle of milk when she puts him to bed to encourage sleep. Thomas has started waking several times a night as the pain is increasing. He develops a fever and is unable to go to day-care. The dentist diagnoses dental caries, prescribes him antibiotics and analgesics and writes a referral letter to the local hospital for removal of his front teeth that will require a general anaesthetic. Thomas’s mother is also concerned that she can’t return to work until he is recovered.


1.Why are some local councils against fluoride?

https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/residents-outraged-as-oberon-votes-for-fluoridated-water/100144802.Gussy et al., (2020). Identifying predictors of early childhood caries among Australian children using sequential modelling: Findings from the VicGenBirth cohort study. Journal of Dentistry, 29. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0300571220300105


Mark is a 58 year old male who works as a truck driver in Adelaide, South Australia. In recent years he has been experiencing attacks of goutat his right knee and big toe which are increasing in intensity. He has not sought advice from any health professionals.Mark finds it difficult to eat healthy food or attend medical appointments due to the nature of his work. He also likes to relax after work by drinking beer with his friends but has found that this habit seems to make the pain worse.


1.Adelaide gout study finds sufferers aren’t getting correct treatment

| Adelaide | 7NEWShttps://youtu.be/Am67f5T2HPU2.Gout, flares, and allopurinol use: a population-based studyhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13075-019-1918-7


Kirrais a teenage Indigenous Australian girl fromthe regional area of Murrum bidgee,New South Wales. She lives at home with her Mother,Uncle,Father,and threesiblings. The family have recently talked about moving because the house has a mould problem. The family’s limited income means they are not sure they could afford to move.Kirra is on the school Rugby League team . Shelovesthe game but,suffers from asthma. On Saturday,Kirra passed out during the game as a result of an asthma attack as a thunder storm approached.A time -out wascalled,and Kirra’scoach brought in the paramedic on standby to assist her.




1.The links between housing and health

https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/the-links -between-housing-and -health/108451762.Thunderstorm asthma alert currenthttps://www.mlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/about-us/newsroom/public-health-alerts/thunderstorm-asthma-alert


Ekonis an African refugee who has relocated to Toowoomba, Queensland with his wife and three young children.He has secured a casual manual labourjob but has experienced depression since arriving in Australia 3 years ago. He is having difficulties adjusting to the lifestyle and misses his community. He finds his work uninteresting, and finds it hard to care for himself and his family because he is not paid if he takes time off work.4/19/2021


1. Settling migrants in regional areas will need more than a visa to succeed

https://theconversation.com/settling-migrants-in -regional-areas-willneed-more-than-a-visa-to -succeed-1141962. Seeking asylum, finding resilience: Alfred Mupenzion what his PhD taught him https://youtu.be/NIT8TuKdq9g4/19/2021PAGE 3PHS 2021


Marie is a 45 year old woman who lives with her adolescent son in Miller, South Western Sydney. Marie visits her GP, who refers her for a breast biopsy which confirms that she is in the early stages of breast cancer. This causes anxiety as her mother died of breast cancer 15 years ago. Marie smokes > 10 cigarettes per day and consumes 4+ alcoholic drinks per day. She does not drive and finds it hard to make time to exercise.


1.Managing the expense of breast cancer
https://youtu.be/tuH-SVgYUhc2. Lyle, G. et al., (2017). Understanding the effects of socioeconomic status along the breast cancer continuum in Australian women: A systematic review of evidence. International Journal for Equity in Health, 182. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12939-017-0676-x



You will be presented with a number of case studies with supporting resources. Choose ONE case study to use for this assessment. You will be required to research complex determinants (biomedical, behavioural, social and environmen- tal) shaping your chosen case study and analyse the adequacy of the services, within the hierarchy of the Australian health care system, available in addressing these determinants. To assist you with this process, subheadings have been created where you answer the following questions:

What is the health issue from the case study?

What are the associated population health measures (e.g. prevalence, incidence, quality of life, life expectancy)?

What are the biological, behavioural, social, and environmental determinants shaping the health issue from the scenario?

What health services are available to manage the health issue in the location of the scenario?

Consider where these services are placed in the hierarchy of the Australian health care system (e.g. public/private and federal/state/local, Australian health landscape)?

Do the available health services address the identified social and environmental determinants of health ?

What recommendations could be made that address these social and environmental determinants to provide patient- centred health services?


You are required to demonstrate your ability to find original resources additional to those provided as unit materials. There is no set number of evidence sources required.

You are required to write your report in formal academic language with APA 7th referencing.

Your written work should use the language of the unit to demonstrate your understanding of the unit content.

The word limit (has an error margin of 10%) includes in-text citations. Writing beyond this point will not be marked.

Extra guidance

You may use references provided in the unit, but we want to see your ability to find, appraise and summarise evidence you have sourced yourself.

Evidence should be cited whenever it is the basis of the information and argument. In addition to quantity of sources, we will be evaluating the quality and relevance of the sources and how they are integrated in your work.

-Websites (e.g. of service information) may be relevant to include. These information sources need to be referenced just as evidence is referenced.

Quotations are not required. Only use quotations for a small number of words that cannot be paraphrased and are considered essential to the message.

Ensure that you have created a list of references and not a bibliography. Only material that is cited in your assignment should appear in the list of references. This unit uses the APA 7th Edition of referencing http://library. westernsydney.edu.au/main/guides/referencing- citation. Refer to the guide as needed while you complete the assignment.

You can use the marking weight of sections to guide your word count e.g. 10% = 100 words, but there are no word limits for individual sections.


Each case study is comprised of a scenario detailing the health issue, a journal article and a media report (print, audio or video). The case studies will be made available under vUWS/ Assessments/ Assessment 2: Report.

Formatting Requirements

A template is provided. No separate introduction or conclusion is required. Headings can be used.

Title contains student name, student number and assessment e.g. TinaSparkle987654Essay

One and a half line spacing

Size 12 Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial font

’Normal’ (2.54cm, bottom, top, left and right) margins

Either a header or footer contains your name and student number


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