How would you ensure that equity is incorporated into the implementation of your sustainable practice? Is there currently an equity issue and what issue might arise from full implementation of your best practice?Discuss

Transition to Renewable Energy

In this reflection, you will reflect on how you would implement your best practice guide at different levels of action.

1. STAKEHOLDERS. For your sustainable practice that you highlighted in your last assignment, who are the stakeholders that would be involved in the transition (i.e., government, business, non-profit organizations, society at large and media). What conflicts would you expect would arise during the transition phase. Use an example, like a case study, to illustrate the conflict between the groups.

2. KNOWLEDGE. What are the potential knowledge gaps present within each group and what kinds of knowledge and actions would be appropriate for each group (study Table 2 in Caniglia et al 2020)? What strategic approach would you use to use to not only educatet but move your stakeholders to action (in the context of your sustainable practice?) Mann and Smith (2011) is focused on collaborative methods.

3. EQUITABLE TRANSITIONS. How would you ensure that equity is incorporated into the implementation of your sustainable practice? Is there currently an equity issue and what issue might arise from full implementation of your best practice? (Hint: Winkler (2020) article focuses on exactly this question).

Below is a some recent literature to peruse. In your reflection, please use at least one of these for your three references, but you are welcome to use all of them.

Caniglia et al 2020. A pluralistic and integrated approach to action-oriented knowledge for sustainability.pdf
Apetrei et al. Just another buzzword. ssytematic literature review of knowledge-related concepts in sustainability science.pdf

West et al 2019. Beyond linking knowledge and action. towards a practice based approach to transdisciplinary sustainability interventions.pdf

Winkler 2020. Towards a theory of just transition.pdf

Fazey et al 2020. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth Visions of future systems and how to get there.pdf

Mann and Smith 2011. Collaboration and Sustainability Lens.pdf

Likitswat 2019. Future Cities Visions of Sustainability.pdf

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