Propose a solution to a social media problem.What is the problem? In this section, use the relevant research to explain what the problem is and how significant it is.ropose a solution to a social media problem.

Application Assignment #1 is going to ask you to propose a solution to a social media problem. In order to propose a solution, you need to first do some research about a problem caused by social media. While you need not choose one of the following problems, the following list includes issues identified by The Social Dilemma as those caused by social media today:


crisis in truth/fake news


mental health (choose more specific issue: depression, isolation, body dismorphia)


rise in white supremacy

political divisiveness

threat to global democracy

threats and violence against women and BIPOC

As you are researching the problems, you will also run across research about how social media causes these problems. While you do not need to choose one of these specific causes, these are characteristics of social media that The Social Dilemma identified as causes of the above problems:

advertising/economic model

algorithms (rabbit holes, bias)

fake news


growth hacking

photo tagging

surveillance capitalism

For this assignment, you need to find research from a minimum of FIVE reputable sources (By reputable, I mean that they meet the standards for “Using Quality Evidence” found on pp. 68-69 of the Dunn & Young textbook. You may use The Social Dilemma as a sixth source). Then use this research to write 1-3 pages with the the following sections that you will turn in:

1. What is the problem? In this section, use the relevant research to explain what the problem is and how significant it is.

2. How does social media cause this problem? Social media and the internet have been accused of causing problems with mental health, isolation, addiction, political bias, political violence, and more. In this section, be sure you have definitions of any key terms (i.e., ones you did not know before your read them) and explain the characteristic of social media involved. Be sure to also explain how this characteristic of social media causes this particular problem. You need not prove it is the only cause (for example, depression can be caused by many things; so, if you choose depression as the problem, you must show how social media can cause it).

3. Propose preliminary solution – Presumably, just like in the movie, The Social Dilemma, your readings will have discussed these problems and potential solutions to them. Based on your research and reading/viewing so far, what do you think are possible solutions to the problem/cause you have researched? Identify at least TWO potential solutions and briefly explain each (in 1-2 sentences). Try to make sure that at least one of your potential solutions is focused on structural change. For example, saying that individuals should fact check stories they read online does NOT promote structural change (as it is an individual choice without any enforcement mechanism). But, suggesting that social media companies change their policies to prevent people from posting lies and including a punishment, like being banned for posting lies, might get you closer to structural change.

Finally, this will be the first (but not the last) time that you will be required to use in-text and reference page citations in APA format. Be sure to use the last three pages of the syllabus to help you with formatting. If you have citations that do not follow the formatting of the samples provided, please use an online writing guide to help with proper formatting.

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