Using semiotics approach, analyse an advertisement of your choice from any part of the world.

2020/21 MKT3006 Global Advertising and Brand Promotion

The assessment is an essay assignment which accounts for 50% of the mark awarded for the MKT3006 module.

Total word count: 2,000 words excluding references and appendices.

Assignment Topic

Using semiotics approach, analyse an advertisement of your choice from any part of the world.

Assignment guidance

Presentation. Your work should take the form of a 2,000 word essay assignment.

The assignment should be word processed. All pages should be numbered. Use headings and sub-headings appropriately to make clear the structure of your essay. You do not need to include table of contents.

Interpretation of word limits
Your work must comply with the assessment word limit +/- 10% (excluding references, bibliography and appendices). Work that does not comply will not be marked. You MUST include a word count on the front of your essay.

Include a cover page detailing your name, student number, degree programme, module name and title.
Submit an electronic copy of your assignment, using Turnitin.
The font size must be size 12, with double spacing.
Margins to be 2.54cm

Referencing. You should demonstrate your reading in the subject area in your work through reference to work from appropriate sources such as journals, books, reports etc. THESE MUST BE CLEARLY REFERENCED IN YOUR ESSAY USING THE HARVARD AT NEWCASTLE STYLE GUIDE. Do not simply regurgitate diagrams or extensive general information from the textbooks or articles.

You should assume that we know the workings of basic theoretical or analytical models and will allocate marks for the way you apply them to the question and use them to support a line of argument that helps you to answer the question. Where you use direct quotations or show diagrams, try to keep them short and ensure that they make a direct and clear contribution to your argument. All direct quotations MUST be clearly cited with a page number.

Graphics. Use diagrams and brief tables if appropriate to illustrate points and to support your arguments. Ensure that these are relevant, based on your reading, and that their significance to your argument is clear.

Appendices. You may attach appendices to your work which will not be included in the word-count. Appendices may include, for example, certain tables or analyses, the conclusions or part of which you have included in the main text. They should not include any information that is essential to your argument, nor should they act as a ‘dumping ground’ for information with which you do not know what to do. Just as appendices do not influence the word count, so they will not affect the mark you are awarded for the work.

The assignment should be your own work. Please note the advice on cheating, plagiarism and referencing available in your programme handbook.
Further advice on plagiarism and referencing is available from the following web sources:


Pre-assessment and post-assessment support

There will be a pre-assessment clinic organised before assignment hand-in date, and a post-assessment clinic organised once students receive their individual marks and feedback.

Suggested essay structure

Introduction, brief discussion of semiotic analysis approach
Introduction of the advertisement (including a screenshot/picture of the advertisement)
Analysis of the advertisement using semiotics
Reflection on the limitations of the approach

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