Evaluate productivity against established benchmarks and recommend changes to improve patient safety metrics.


In this Performance Task Assessment, you will use information from the scenario provided, along with the supporting documents, to demonstrate your ability to evaluate a healthcare organization’s productivity, create a balanced scorecard, and recommend changes to optimize productivity targets measured against established benchmarks.

To complete this Assessment:

Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided, where appropriate.
Be sure to use scholarly academic resources as specified in the rubric. This means using Walden Library databases to obtain peer reviewed articles. Additionally, .gov (government expert sources) are a quality resource option. Note: Internet and .com sources do not meet this requirement. Contact your coach or SME for guidance on using Library Databases.

Carefully review the rubric for the Assessment as part of your preparation to complete your Assessment work.
This Assessment requires submission of three (3) files. Save your files as follows:
Save Part I as OM005_PartI_firstinitial_lastname (for example, OM005_PartI_J_Smith).
Save Part II (slide presentation) as OM005_PartII_firstinitial_lastname (for example, OM005_PartII_J_Smith).
Save Part III as OM005_PartIII_firstinitial_lastname (for example, OM005_PartIII_J_Smith).
When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:
United General Hospital Patient Privacy Case Study
Productivity Metrics Dashboard
Academic Writing Expectations Checklist

To begin, read the scenario below; the “United General Hospital Emergency Room Case Study” and other documents provided; and the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.” Then, complete Parts I–III.


You have been hired as a consultant to increase productivity in United General Hospital’s emergency department. Your consulting engagement entails evaluating productivity metrics for the emergency room (ER), creating a balanced scorecard to measure the department’s performance, and then presenting recommendations to the leaders of the emergency department.
This Assessment has three-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this Assessment.

Part I: Productivity Metrics (Word Document)

As a first step in your consulting engagement, you review Ron’s experience in the ER. Using information from the case study, evaluate Ron’s experience and summarize your findings against national standards as follows (4-5 pages):
Identify 6-8 activities or processes carried out during Ron’s visit to United General. Enter the 6-8 activities or processes and their duration in the

“Productivity Metrics Dashboard.” (attachment in the instructions)

Each of the 6 to 8 activities in the chart need to have completed data for the Observed Time, National Average and Differential OT vs NA. (You will complete the Acceptable differential data for the 5 activities or processes you will discuss below.)

Include the sources for all data in the sources tab in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

Write an analysis of activities and processes that create inefficiency as follows:
Identify five of the activities or processes from the case study/ included in your dashboard that create inefficiency in the emergency department.

Provide a rationale for your selection of the five activities or processes. Include cited material and References to support your assertions.

Identify any discrepancies and outline reasons why discrepancies exist.

Write an analysis of acceptable differentials for the five activities or processes as follows:

Using benchmarks determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, identify the national averages/benchmarks for five activities or processes you selected.

Enter the national averages/benchmarks in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”
Determine an acceptable differential to the national benchmark for each of the 5 activities or processes and enter the differentials into the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

Explain the methodology you used to determine acceptable differentials for each of the metrics for these five activities.

Part II: Balanced Scorecard Methodology (Slide Presentation)

The next step in your consulting engagement is creating a balanced scorecard but, first, you must convince the executive committee that the balanced scorecard method is effective. Several members of the executive committee are not familiar with the process. An important part of your role is to educate them. You decide to show them a sample balanced scorecard for an emergency department.

Create a 5 to 7-slide presentation that explains the balanced scorecard methodology, including at least two strengths and two limitations, and the benefits of using the balanced scorecard methodology in United General Hospital’s emergency department.
Include a critique of the hospital’s productivity metrics results and any limitations of the current data collection process and/or metrics being used for the scorecard.

Part III: Balanced Scorecard Creation (Word Document)

After you explain the balanced scorecard methodology, the board and chief executive officer (CEO) wants you to create a balanced scorecard for the emergency department at United General.

Create a balanced scorecard for United General’s emergency department. Can be completed in an image or graphic type display. (up to 2 pages)
Include both quantitative and qualitative metrics.

Explain why you selected these metrics for United General and how you identified the targets. (4-6 pages)
A defense of best practices used for productivity metrics dashboard data collection, analysis/interpretation, and action planning.
Recommend a high-level process to collect, track, and measure data for the emergency department’s productivity metrics.

OM005 Operational Resources and Productivity

How are productivity, and the cost of products and services, best measured in a dynamic healthcare environment? In a setting where the unpredictable must become predictable, how can healthcare organizations ensure that the goals and targets that are set are realistic, address mission and vision, and are in the best interests of patients and all stakeholders? What are the metrics that provide a full picture of productivity that takes into account a range of stakeholder interests and concerns?

How can information be gathered to best ensure ongoing and continual review? The balanced scorecard is a powerful tool for providing what the name implies: data that reflects a balance in perspectives. Subsequent analysis of “balanced” data provides the healthcare organization, and its managers and administrators, evidence that is reflective of the complexities of their business and its goals and objectives.

In this Assessment, you will use a case study to evaluate a hospital department for performance metrics; identify activities and processes that affect the patient experience and create inefficiencies; benchmark performance against national standards; and recommend solutions to improve performance and eliminate inefficiencies.

Competency Statement: Evaluate productivity against established benchmarks and recommend changes to improve patient safety metrics.

Type of Assessment: Work Product
Prerequisites: None

Chapter 1, “The Challenge and the Opportunity” (pp. 3–16)
Chapter 2, “History of Performance Improvement” (pp. 17–44)
McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2017). Healthcare operations management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press. https://www.ache.org

Why is Sustaining Improvement So Important – and so hard?
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2016, July 6). Why is Sustaining Improvement So Important – and so hard? [Video]. YouTube

How Monitoring Employee Productivity Can Increase Profits for Healthcare Organizations
Clinicspectrum. (2015, March 3). How monitoring employee productivity can increase profits for healthcare organizations. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0R4hY5_ajE
Measuring Productivity in Healthcare: An Analysis of the Literature

Sheiner, L., & Malinovskaya, A. (2016). Measuring productivity in healthcare: An analysis of the literature. Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/hp-lit-review_final.pdf
Read each of the measures, and consider how they may be used in healthcare organizations in which you have worked or with which you are familiar.
Labor Cost Optimization & Productivity Improvement

Workforce Insight. (2014). Labor cost optimization & productivity improvement. Retrieved from https://www.anaplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/7-Ways-To-Improve-Profits-With-Better-WFM-Strategies-Workforce-Insight.pdf

Read various benchmarks that are important to Emergency Physicians and consider the importance in relation to The Case Study for the Assessment.
11 Benchmarks That Should Matter to EPs
Reiter, M. (n. d.). 11 Benchmarks That Should Matter to Eps. Emergency Physician Monthly. https://epmonthly.com/article/11-benchmarks-that-should-matter-to-eps/

Review the presentation and think through opportunities you have experienced in a hospital ED or an experience you have heard about.
ED Benchmarks and Best Practices
McGrayne, J. (n.d.) ED Benchmarks and Best Practices. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. https://www.iise.org/uploadedfiles/SHS/Resource_Library/Details/05_mcgrayne.pdf

Chapter 4, “Strategy and the Balanced Scorecard” (pp. 71–96)
Chapter 6, “Tools for Problem Solving and Decision Making” (pp. 135–166)

McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2017). Healthcare operations management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press. https://www.ache.org
Lean: Transforming Healthcare Delivery by Uncovering Opportunities Within Your Greatest Asset
Graban, M. [Mark Graban]. (2015, February 17). Lean: Transforming healthcare delivery by uncovering opportunities within your greatest asset [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmFPJv9WI9s

For the Competency Assessment, you are asked to create a balanced scorecard. As you watch the video, consider how you might apply the information presented to create a balanced scorecard.
Eight Types of Waste in Healthcare

Gemba Academy. [Ron Pereira]. (2019, May 21). Eight types of waste in healthcare—Gemba Academy [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/QHsD-YmbfFE
What is Lean Healthcare?
NEJM Catalyst. (2018, April 27). What is lean healthcare? NEJM Catalyst.

This article represents 6 methodologies for improvement in healthcare. Consider how other approaches, and a global perspective, may support how you approach creating a balanced scorecard.

Lean Healthcare: 6 Methodologies for Improvement from Dr Brent James
James, B. (2018). Lean Healthcare: 6 Methodologies for Improvement from Dr. Brent James. Healthcatalyst.  https://www.healthcatalyst.com/insights/lean-healthcare-methodologies-improvement

This article discusses the complexity of healthcare delivery, the dominant challenges, opportunities, solutions and lessons learned. As you read, make notes on operational improvement. Identify responses to inefficiencies.

The Top Five Insights into Healthcare Operational Outcomes Improvement
HealthCatalyst. (2020). The Top Five Insights into Healthcare Operational Outcomes Improvement. https://www.healthcatalyst.com/insights/healthcare-operations-top-5-improvement-insights

This paper presents four rules that Toyota came up with that have become the golden standard, or guidelines, for how to do qualitative and quantitative analysis. This article applies them to healthcare. As you read, think about how these guidelines will apply each rule to the balanced scorecard that you will create for the Assessment for this Competency.

An Empirical Test of Three Design Rules for Healthcare Process Improvement
Montana State University. (n.d.). An empirical test of three design rules in healthcare process improvement. Retrieved from http://www.montana.edu/dsobek/a3/ioc-grant/documents/3Rules_workingpaper.pdf

Ranking model of total quality management enablers in healthcare establishments using the best-worst method
Talib, F., Asjad, M., Attri, R., Siddiquee, A. N., & Khan, Z. A. (2019). Ranking model of total quality management enablers in healthcare establishments using the best-worst method. The TQM Journal. 31(5), 790 – 814. https://www.doi.org/ 10.1108/TQM-04-2019-0118

This article discussed now to measure new key performance indicators that are more in line with value-based care. Review this article and think about the alignment with your balanced Scorecard and how to implement value-based KPIs into your scorecard.
Calculating KPIs for Value-Based Payment Models

Eramo, L (2018). Calculating KPIs for Value-Based Payment Models. HFMA.
Quality Improvement Methods in Healthcare

Baily, M. A. (2015). Quality improvement methods in health care. In M. Crowley (Ed.), From birth to death and bench to clinic: The Hastings Center bioethics briefing book for journalists, policymakers, and campaigns (pp. 147–152).  http://www.thehastingscenter.org/Publications/BriefingBook/Detail.aspx?id=2204
Research and Trends: Making Our Case

American Hospital Association. (2015). Research and trends: Making our case. AHA. http://www.aha.org/research/index.shtml
Read this chapter to become familiar with the statistics and metrics needed to create a balanced scorecard. Make notes to inform your creation of a balanced scorecard when completing the Assessment for this Competency.
Chapter 4, “Strategy and the Balanced Scorecard” (pp. 71–96)

Chapter 7, “Statistical Thinking and Statistical Problem Solving” (pp. 167–202)
McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2017). Healthcare operations management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press. https://www.ache.org/
An Evaluation Framework for Success: Capture and Measure Your Social-Media Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard
Villaespesa, E. (2015). An evaluation framework for success: Capture and measure your social-media strategy using the balanced scorecard. MW2015: Museums and the Web. https://mw2015.museumsandtheweb.com/paper/an-evaluation-framework-for-success-capture-and-measure-your-social-media-strategy-using-the-balanced-scorecard/

Performance Measurement Using Balance Score Card and its Applications: A Review.
Gawankar, S., Kamble, S. S., & Raut, R. (2015). Performance measurement using balance score card and its applications: A review. Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems, 4(3), 6 – 21. https://www.doi.org/ 10.21863/jscms/2015.4.3.009

This website provides basic information about balanced scorecards. Read the main page and then click on the embedded links for more detailed information. Make notes in that will inform your creation of a balanced scorecard for the Assessment for this Competency.
What Is a Balanced Scorecard?

Balanced Scorecard Institute. (2020). What is a balanced scorecard?. Balanced Scorecard Basics.  https://balancedscorecard.org/bsc-basics-overview/
Accompanying Article: The Balanced Scorecard: A Quick Summary
How to Create a Balanced Scorecard

This video addresses how to create a balanced scorecard. Take notes relating this information to the metrics that will use when creating your balanced scorecard for the Assessment for this Competency.
Jackson, T. (2021). How to Create a Balanced Scorecard? ClearPoint Strategy.https://www.clearpointstrategy.com/how-to-create-a-balanced-scorecard/

Chapter 11, “Process Improvement and Patient Flow” (pp. 281–322)
McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2017). Healthcare operations management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press. https://www.ache.org
David Williams: How Can You Thoughtfully Move From Improvement to Implementation?

Institute for Healthcare Improvement [IHI Open School]. (2015a, March 25). David Williams: How can you thoughtfully move from improvement to implementation? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMf-RuR03MQ
David Williams: Is There Secret to Sustaining Improvements?

Institute for Healthcare Improvement [IHI Open School]. (2015b, March 25). David Williams: Is there a secret to sustaining improvements? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY7RN3bBZ8A

A “Work Smarter, Not Harder” Approach to Improving Health Care Quality
Hayes C. W., Batalden, P. B., & Goldmann, D. (2015). A “work smarter, not harder” approach to improving health care quality. BMJ Quality and Safety, 24 (2), 100 – 102. https://www.doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2014-003673
Hospital Inpatient Waste Identification Tool

Resar, R. K., Griffin, F. A., Kabcenell, A., & Bones C. (2011). Hospital inpatient waste identification tool [White paper].
IHI uses the Model for Improvement as the framework to guide improvement work. Read the main page of this website, and then click on the links provided to understand the “plan, do, study, act” (PSDA) cycle.

How To Improve
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2015). How to improve. IHI.  http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/HowtoImprove/default.aspx

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