Using examples from at least three literary works studied so far this semester, analyze the concept and characteristics of the “hero.”

Expressing yourself succinctly and concisely, read the following topic and write a response of approximately 400-600 words (approximately three-five paragraphs).

The depiction of heroic qualities changed radically from the eighth to the seventeenth century; however, several of the characteristics of individual heroes remained constant. Beowulf protects and is generous to those under his purview (but his pride would have been considered overweening in the sixteenth century); Sir Gawain is courteous to ladies of the court (but his concealment of the girdle would have been considered cowardly to successive generations). Eventually, even the concept of hero is problematical in works such as Paradise Lost. Using examples from at least three literary works studied so far this semester, analyze the concept and characteristics of the “hero.”

Use only the primary sources (the literary selections themselves) for your essay.  Instead, examine the topic from your own perspective.  You may quote, summarize, or paraphrase from the primary sources.
Sources: “Beowulf”, “Sir Gawain and the Green” Knight”, Paradise Lost: Book 1 & Paradise Lost: Book 12

The exam will be graded on the following criteria:

The response directly relates to the writing prompt, and analyzes the literature rather than summarizing the plot.
The document demonstrates an understanding of the literature and authors studied.
The essay is well-structured with a thesis statement at the end of the introduction, smooth transitions between paragraphs, topic sentences controlling paragraphs, and a clear multi-paragraph introduction-body-conclusion organization.
The writing contains specific details, interesting description, and correct and well-chosen diction.
The sentences are effectively structured and avoid major grammatical errors.

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