How can we find meaning and purpose in our experiences?by tracing the development of poet T.S. Eliot throughouthis life and career.

Poetry Analysis Essay Guidelines Directions

This quarter, you will be examining the following essential question:How can we find meaning and purpose in our experiences?by tracing the development of poet T.S. Eliot throughout this life and career.

You will complete a 5-7 paragraph essay that discusses ONE theme that is present in the poems:

●The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

●The Waste Land—Cantos I-III

●Little Gidding

Your essay should cite and explain specific poetic devices that Eliot uses to develop his theme.

Topics that you might consider, include, but are notlimited to:

●How did Eliot’s perspective on this theme change throughout this lifetime?

●What external factors may have influenced Eliot’sperspective?

●How did Eliot’s perspective in each poem reflect thespecific time in which it waswritten?Learning Targets

●Write an essay that analyzes the creation of rhetoricin poetry.

●Identify and explain the use of various poetic devices.

●Combine multiple sources to develop your claim ina cohesive structure.Scoring RubricEssays will be scored according to the guidelinesattached to this form.Requirements

●The final copy should be formatted (MLA) accordingto the guidelines presented in class.

●There will be a 10% deduction in score for each daythe final draft is late

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