Research the Agile PM principles and explore the possibilities of applying these during the project. Use the Project Approach Questionnaire to decide whether the agile approach using DSDM is viable. If not, what other Agile PM approaches might be suitable?



Referring to the case study and your own assessment 1 and then choose ONE specific project deliverable of your choice to complete the following tasks:

Paper details:2500 words (excluding tables, diagrams and appendixes)

1. Research the Agile PM principles and explore the possibilities of applying these during the project. Use the Project Approach Questionnaire to decide whether the agile approach using DSDM is viable. If not, what other Agile PM approaches might be suitable?

2. Identify the main Roles and Responsibilities that this case study has introduced. If a role is not mentioned, then introduce this role to the case study. Include all roles in your answer.

3. Create the list of requirements (features) in a table format including MoSCoW prioritisation and estimates. Produce user stories (or a backlog) with acceptance criteria included.

4. Describe how the project manager will develop a delivery plan including:

Timeboxes and describe the first timebox in detail for DSDM. OR

Kanban or any other suitable tool with explanation


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