Review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model outlined in chapter 4 (pages 101- 103), and discuss how some web-applications can infer or be associated with specific needs or motivators from Maslow’s model.

Q1. Consumers are bombarded by stimuli that they could not pay attention to all of them. Consequently, getting a consumer’s attention is even hard and more challenging to marketers in today market.Companies are aware about the relevance of using social media (e.g. Facebook, Youtube, Twitt er, etc.) to grab consumers‟ attention and generate interest for their product and services

.Review the sensory stimuli outlined in chapter 2 (pages 37-46)1. Discuss what kind of stimuli applied in social media, a company/marketercould use to gain consumer’s attention. Discuss the sensory impacts on user’sperception.

Q2. Social media may also appeal to more than one type of “need” or moti vator described in Maslow‟s model. In this regards, many web-applications have been developed to appeal specific needs (e.g. on Facebook: group pages, friends- belongingness: friendship, love acceptance by others).

Review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model outlined in chapter 4 (pages 101- 103), and discuss how some web-applications can infer or be associated with specific needs or motivators from Maslow’s model.

Q3. Nowadays‟ companies are aware that using social media may generate interest for their products and services, and may have a direct impact on sales and brand reputati on. Companies also gain more opportunities from what customers are expressing in terms of needs, by inferring these needs in their marketing activities such as product promotion.

Provide 2 examples of advertising (Ad) retrieved from YouTube, and identify the need(s) that they may appeal to. Analyze each Ad and break it down into visual/audio elements (i.e. script, symbols, music, colors, etc). Explain the link between these elements and any need you may identify.

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