In 1959, Nevada Governor Grant Sawyer set up what entity of the Nevada state government to oversee the casino industry, issue gambling licenses, and regulate gaming?Discuss

Questions 1-29 are worth 1 point each:

What are the three branches of the Nevada State Government?

How often does the Nevada legislature meet?

What are the two houses of the Nevada Legislature?

Which elected officials comprise the Executive Branch?

In Nevada, must the Governor and Lt. Governor be in the same political party?

How many members are currently in the Nevada State Senate? How many in the Assembly?

What is the title of the presiding officer in the Nevada State Senate? In the Nevada Assembly?

What are the three ways the citizens of Nevada can directly change the law?

How many Nevada citizens must sign a petition to get a proposed law on the ballot?

In 1959, Nevada Governor Grant Sawyer set up what entity of the Nevada state government to oversee the casino industry, issue gambling licenses, and regulate gaming?

Which article of the Nevada State Constitution regulates education?

The University of Nevada was founded in 1874. Where was it located?

In what year did women receive the right to vote in Nevada?

How old does one need to be to vote in Nevada? How long must one reside in Nevada to vote?

What 1864 Act of the Federal Government established restrictions on the State of Nevada in order for it to become a member of the union? What were the five requirements of that Act?

What article of the Nevada State Constitution is comparable to the US Bill of Rights?

If there are 42 elected members in the Nevada State Assembly, and only 38 are present for a vote on a new bill, how many members must vote yes in order for the bill to pass?

A certain type of legislation requires approval by 2/3 majority of both houses in Nevada-what type?

After the legislature passes a law, how long does the governor have to sign the bill?

Who may call a special session of the Nevada State Legislature?

Does the Governor of Nevada have the sole power to pardon prisoners?

How long is a term for the Governor of Nevada? How long for a member of the Nevada Legislature?

If the Governor fails to act on a bill in the prescribed time, what happens to it?

How many members currently sit on the Nevada Supreme Court?

If you get a speeding ticket in downtown Las Vegas, what court will you go to?

If you commit a felony in Henderson, what court will you go to?

List three (3) items that may not be taxed, based on Article 10 of the Nevada Constitution,

In what year did the legislature enact the state sales tax?

How much is the current sales tax in Clark County AND what are the components by percentage?

List the 17 counties AND 17 county seats of the state of Nevada AND

a) Which county is the largest in square miles?
b) Which county is the most populous? (18 points total)

List the names of the: Governor, Lt. Governor, one U.S. Senator, two U.S. Congresspersons, and the mayors of two Nevada cities (you choose the cities). (7 points)

In at least one paragraph, but no more that ½ page, take ANY one of these questions and ANY item or time from Nevada’s History and summarize your perceptions of how the people or government addressed or are currently addressing this question (12 points)
What drew people to Nevada in the past and what draws people there today?
Can a state survive economically when it bases its economy on one industry?
What power does a state really have when the federal government owns over 75% of the land in the state?

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