Role of the Leader: Johnson and Hackman (2018) identify three major categories of leadership styles as well as five approaches to leadership.


This reading response assignment has two parts in order to fully consider both the role of the leader and the role of the follower.

Role of the Leader:

Johnson and Hackman (2018) identify three major categories of leadership styles as well as five approaches to leadership.

First, briefly define each style (Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire) and provide a situation in which each style would be beneficial (1-2 sentences) followed by a situation in which each style would be detrimental (1-2 sentences).

For example:

Authoritarian: define the style



Next, rank the five approaches to leadership (Traits, Situational, Functional, Skills, and Relational Leadership) based on your preference for following a leader who employs the approach. Once you have ranked the approaches please explain in a few sentences why you do or do not appreciate a leader who employs the approach.

For example:

1) Relational Leadership, 2) Functional, 3 Situational, 4) Skills, 5) Traits

Relational leadership is effective because …

Trait leadership does not make sense because …

Role of the Follower:

Complete the self-assessment in box 2.5 pages 58 – 59. Once you have identified your follower communication style answer the following questions:

1. With which follower communication style do you currently align?

2. Why do you think you have adopted this style?

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a follower?

4. If you’re not an exemplary follower, what strategy might you employ to become one?

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