Analyse promotion on and off-line and its impact on sales. Analyse and recommend the choice between push and pull strategy.

This assignment has been designed to allow students to progress the analysis donein AS1 and to have the opportunity to explore further issues of international marketing communications from the perspective the sameorganisationand “reference Market”utilised in AS1.Starting fromthe previous assessment,students will revisit/improve their original submission,and based on the feedback given, improve their submission (formative assessments) so that they can develop the second halfof the Marketing Communications Plan.

This second part is supported bytheapplication of new frameworks and Marketing Analytics models ,but the perspectiveof a data decision making on the Key Challenges for an effective communicationcampaignremainsunchanged.


Given the Firm/Brand for a product or service that has been selected and analysed in AS1,produce the secondpart of a Marketing Communications Plan.

To do so you are required to:

1)Adopt the SOSTAC process (for AS2 you need to focus onTactics,Action and Control, the previous stages were in AS1), keeping in mind the Target segments in the “reference market”analysed;

2)Analise and suggestthe Product/Service design andpotential new productslaunchpossibly withsimulated tests.

3)Analyse and suggest pricing and estimate demand.Model Sales response and the impactof advertisingon it.

4)Analyse promotion on and off-line and its impact on sales. Analyse and recommend the choice between push and pull strategy.

5)Define a media plan and a communication plan to support the tactics defined in steps 2 to4.6)Define a set of sensible KPIs and a control plan to optimise the devisedcommunication strategy.

7)provideyour recommendations that have to be supported by a critical analysis based on the data and models applied. You must include sufficientinsights on communication contents and messages that will underpin the defined positioning.

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