Select a Small, Medium Enterprise (SME) or large company with a presence in the UK providing products in the Retail or Manufacturing sectors.Examine the topic of innovation through a critical analysis of their approach to innovation using Tidd & Bessants (2018) innovation process model and incorporating two identified innovations already developed and implemented in the market place by your chosen business.


Critically assess theory from the area of innovation management.

Analyse contexts and processes if innovation management and determine critical elements impacting on innovation.

C: Assessment Task
You are required to select a Small, Medium Enterprise (SME) or large company with a presence in the UK providing products in the Retail or Manufacturing sectors. You will examine the topic of innovation through a critical analysis of their approach to innovation using Tidd & Bessants (2018) innovation process model and incorporating two identified innovations already developed and implemented in the market place by your chosen business.

You will produce a report on the effectiveness or otherwise of your chosen business’s approach to the innovation process. You are, therefore, required to provide an evaluation of the following:

A critical analysis of Tidd & Bessant’s (2018) Innovation Process Model incorporating teamwork, project planning, risk assessment and the influence of the market to the innovation process at the appropriate stages of the model. To aid analysis, it is expected that other business models will be included as relevant to the different stages of the model. The inclusion of two identified and defined current innovations to aid your analysis is critical. (40%)

Identification and analysis of your chosen business’s internal resources considered necessary to ensure success in their innovation strategy. (30%)

An analysis of the potential influence of organization culture on managements’ approach to managing the innovation process and ensuring organization efficiency. (20%)

Structure and quality of the written report including correct use of APA citations, grammar and referencing. (10%).

E: Key Resources

Cagan, J., Volgelm, C. (2012). Creating breakthrough products: Revealing the secrets that drive global innovation, 2nd Ed’,, Pearson Publishing.

Davila, T., Epstein, M, Shelton, R. (2012). Making innovation work: How to manage it, measure it and profit from it, Updated edition, Pearson Publishing.

International Journal of Innovation Management (pub.World Scientific)

European Journal of Innovation Management (pub.Emerald Insight)

Kuratko, D., Hornsby, J., Goldsby, M. (2011). Innovation acceleration transforming organizational thinking, Pearson Publishing.

Kuratko, D., Morris, M.H. and Covin, J.g. (2001). Corporate innovation and entrepreneurship, International Edition, Cengage Learning.

Kuratko, M. (2014). Managing innovation adoption: From innovation to implementation, UK: Gower.

Tidd, J. and Bessant, J.R. (2018). Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change, Chichester: Wiley.


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