Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue/event that is related to issues of diversity.Using appropriate research strategies, describe the impact of the issue/event on society.


For this third milestone, you will reflect on content that will inform your multimedia presentation, which you will include in Final Project Part Two. You will reflect on the intersectional nature of diversity and its impact on one’s individual framework of perception, one’s discipline of study, and society in general. The milestone will be submitted as a presentation draft that includes speaker’s notes.

Prompt: First, review the module resources you have encountered so far and create a presentation draft (PowerPoint with speaker notes) that analyzes the

issue/event under study (the one you selected in Module Two).

Specifically, the following critical elements (which align to the critical elements required of the presentation in Final Project Part Two) must be addressed:

I. Issue/Event: For this section of your presentation, you will introduce the issue/event and how it relates to issues of diversity and any of the topics that

have been discussed in the course.

A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue/event that is related to issues of diversity.

i. What is the origin of the issue?

ii. What is the issue about?

B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the impact of the issue/event on society.

i. Who is impacted by the issue?

ii. What is important to know about them?

C. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how society impacts the chosen issue.

II. Yourself: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity influences your individual framework of perception with respect to your

discipline of study or profession.

A. How has critically analyzing your issue/event in diversity informed your individual framework of perception? Consider how it has altered the way

you perceive the world.

B. How can critically analyzing diversity influence your field of study or profession? How can studying diversity inform your understanding of the

next big topic of study in your field or profession in the next five to ten years?

III. Society: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity enhances your ability to engage constructively in society.

A. How does critically analyzing diversity add value to how you interact with people and understand social or global issues/events? Supplement

your reasoning with examples.

B. Recommend strategies for using this kind of critical analysis for meeting your personal and professional goals. What might this look like in your

everyday life? Consider how diversity can be used to address the day-to-day responsibilities or questions faced by practitioners in your field or


IV. Conclusion:

A. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in diversity.

B. Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in personal and professional contexts

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