Describe the epidemiology of Lyme Disease in the U.S. and Virginia.

Epidemiology of Lyme Disease – Answer all of the questions below with reflection on BOTH the image above AND the data and information found at the CDC and VDH links below. Synthesize your findings from all three sources in an essay, narrative format. A minimum of 500 words is required.

CDC, United States:

VDH, Virginia:

Describe the epidemiology of Lyme Disease in the U.S. and Virginia.
What US states are most affected with high incidence?
In Virginia, who is most affected by Lyme Disease, i.e., age group, area of the state, etc.?
Describe the populations who are most at-risk for Lyme Disease exposure.
When do cases appear to increase and decrease?
What other observations or inferences did you make by looking at the CDC and VDH data?

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