Choose 3 or 4 tasks from those provided for you that you feel are most essential to the job title; briefly describe why you chose those tasks.

1st Job Title: Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists – main topic

2nd Job: Foresters – 1 or 2 paragraph max

Write 4 page essay on the following:

Describe Task’s from link on 1st Job title
Include KSAO’s – KSAOs= knowledge, skills, ability

Choose 2 Predictor’s for Job Title

Below is more detailed description on assignment

1)Choose 3 or 4 tasks from those provided for you that you feel are most essential to the job title; briefly describe why you chose those tasks.

2)Next, you should agree on three KSAOs= knowledge, skills, ability, or other characteristics) that you feel are key or of high importance to the tasks you chose in the previous step. List and briefly describe why you chose these three attributes. Clearly label the attributes as either a K, S, A or O.”

3)Choose a predictor or set of predictors that you believe would provide an organization hoping to hire for the above position a good chance of selecting top candidates from an applicant pool given the KSAOs you chose above.

Keep in mind that you are focusing on three KSAOs above rather than the entire job at this point.

So choose predictors that make sense given your answer to steps above and/or change that answer if needed. Also note that at least one predictor must be a test (see step 4 below).

4)Also Please do the following.

a. Label and briefly describe the predictors chosen by your team. Choose no more than 2.
b. Explain why you chose this predictor/set of predictors. What are the benefits of this/these predictors?
c. Explain the drawbacks of other predictors that someone else may have chosen but you chose not to include.
Create an example of the (or one of the) predictor(s) you described in response to Step 4a above. For example, if you chose to use a situational judgment test, you would create a hypothetical problem someone in the job you chose might face (see the example in the textbook as a guide for length and detail). Then generate five plausible responses someone might make to this situation.

Finally, rank order the five responses in terms of their desirability or appropriateness to addressing the problem. (Note: A candidate who answers this question “correctly” would be one who lists the possible response options in the order determined by the class.)

Now, choose a second job from the choices generated for Step 1 above, look up the job on O* and provide a very brief job description based on the summary report. Include a URL (i.e., direct link to the summary report). Then, answer the following questions:
a. Would the predictors chosen for selecting individuals for the first job also work well for predicting the performance of individuals for the second job?
b. Why or why not?

Use link above for Task description in essay. Or below is a picture of that link.
Use following reference in Essay

Muchinsky, P.M., & Culbertson, S.S. (2019). Psychology applied to work: An introduction to ndustrial and organizational psychology. Twelfth Edition. Summerfield, NC: Hypergraphic Press.

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