Distinguish between constructive and destructive interference. Use 3 content relatedsentences.

1. Distinguish between constructive and destructive interference. Use 3 content relatedsentences. (ref: p.394-399)

2. Explain how surface waves can have characteristics of both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. use 3 content related sentences.(ref: p.388-393)

3. A lifeguard on a beach observes that waves havea speed of 2.60 m/s and a distance of 2.50m between wave crests. What is the period of the wavemotion? Please show all work. (ref:p.382-387)

4. What will happen to the pitch of a sound as that sound’s source approaches an observer?Explain why this happens, based on what you have learnedabout wave properties. Use 3 content related sentences. (ref: p.382-387)

5. If a musical instrument such as a trumpet or fluteis “flat”, should the pipe be lengthened orshortened? Explain with at least 2 content relatedsentences. (ref: p.418-427)

6. A train is moving at 23 m/s due east when it sounds a blast on its horn, frequency = 164 Hz. What frequency is heard by the driver of a car movingdue east at 15 m/s along a road parallelto the tracks? Use 343 m/s for the speed of sound. Show all work. (ref: p.410-417)

Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the following statement.

7. A green object will absorb ____________________light and reflect ____________________light.(ref: p.447-455)

8. A laser beam from Earth is reflected back froma mirror on the Moon in 2.60 s. If the distance between Earth and the Moon is 3.85 × 108m, calculatethe speed of light. Please show all work.(ref: p.438-446)

9. Explain how the diffraction of light shows thatlight behaves like a wave. Use 3 contentrelated sentences. (ref: p.447-455)

10. A 20.0 cm tall object is placed 50.0 cm in frontof a convex mirror with a radius of curvature of 34.0 cm. Where will the image be located, and howtall will it be? Show all work. (ref:p.471-481)

11. Explain why convex mirrors can only produce virtual images. Please use at least 2 contentrelated sentences. (ref: p.471-481)

12. A mirror has a magnification of-2.5. Explain what this means in terms of the objectproduced. Use at least 2 content related sentences.(ref: p.471-481)

13. Tom’s father is 48 years old. He is not able tosee nearby objects clearly. (ref: p.508-511)a. What may be the reason for his vision problem?b. Where are images formed in this type of defectedvision?c. How is this defect corrected?

14. Why does chromatic aberration occur? Use3 content related sentences. (ref:p.500-507)

15. Light passes from air into water at an angle of40.0° to the normal. What is the angle ofrefraction? Please show all work. (ref: p.492-499)

16. Why does the pattern of colors repeat in a thinsoap film? Please use 2 content relatedsentences. (ref: p.522-530)

17. Radio waves can bend around buildings. An X-ray technician stands behind a wall duringthe use of her machine. What does this tell you aboutthe relative wavelengths of these twotypes of invisible light? Use 2 content relatedsentences. (ref: p.531-539)

18. What does it mean when white light is diffractedand at a particular location the color seen is blue? Please use 2 content related sentences. (ref:p.531-539)

Identify each of the following as a conductors orinsulators. (ref: p.548-552)

19. cloth

20. dry wood

21. tap water

22. glass

23. A positively charged light metal ball is suspendedbetween two oppositely charged metalplates on an insulating thread as shown below. Afterbeing charged once, the plates aredisconnected from the battery. Describe the behaviorof the ball. Please use 3 content relatedsentences.(ref: p.553-561)

24. Air is an insulator. However, in winter you mightexperience a spark when your fingers toucha doorknob. Briefly explain why this happens. Pleaseuse 2 content related sentences. (ref:p.548-552)

25. Three positive charges A, B, and C, and a negativecharge D are placed in a line as shownin the diagram. All four charges are of equal magnitude.The distances between A and B, B andC, and C and D are equal. (ref: p.553-561)

a. Which charge experiences the greatest net force?Which charge experiences the smallest netforce?

b. Find the ratio of the greatest to the smallestnet force.

26. A rubber rod can be charged negatively when itis rubbed with wool. What happens to thecharge of the wool? (ref: p.548-552)

27. The electric field around a positive charge isshown in the diagram. Describe the nature ofthese lines. Use 2 content related sentences.(ref: p.570-576)

28. Why is it a good idea to touch a metal pole, or similar conductor, before filling up a car withgas? Please use 2 content related sentences. (ref:p.577-587)29. Compare and contrast electric potential energyand electric potential difference? Please use2 content related sentences. (ref: p.577-587)30. What is electrical power in terms of current andpotential difference? (ref: p.598-608)

31. Generate an explanation for the following formula:P = I2R(ref: p.609-613)

32. Holiday lights are often connected in series anduse special lamps that short out when thepotential difference across a lamp increases to theline voltage. Generate an explanation whyand explain why these light sets might blow theirfuses after many bulbs have failed. Please use3 content related sentences. (ref: p.624-634)

33. Three 15.0-W resistors are connected in parallelacross a 30.0-V battery. Please show allwork. (ref: p.624-634)a) Find the current through each branch of the circuit.b) Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit.c) Find the current through the battery.

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